I was scrolling the internet and came across a post about self-care. It was talking about how self-care can make people feel bad. Of course, that’s the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do. I think that too often self-care ideas are connected to money and time – lots of both. For a lot of people, that’s just not accessible. There is no way taking care of yourself should feel out of reach. It is meant to be simple and doable.

When we make it about shopping trips and spa days, it’s more about luxury. While I definitely enjoy both, those aren’t things I reach for on a regular basis to take care of myself. Self-care can look like making sure you get enough sleep, eating as healthy as you can, or staying on top of your doctor appointments. Those aren’t as sexy, I know. They are all part of taking care of yourself. If you want to take it a step further and land somewhere in the middle of the basics and luxury, I’ve got you.
Reasonable Self-Care Ideas
Make your own safe zone. There should be a space that’s worry-free for you. Create it and revel in it.
Accept an offer of help.
Do something creative! Do you draw, paint, sew, write poetry?
Go on a 24-hour social media detox. Can you do it?
You already have a to-do list. How about creating a don’t-do list? Remove the things that steal your joy and energy. Are they necessary and or can you give them the boot?
Keep taking time for yourself until you’re you again.
Take a break from the news. Listening to a quick news podcast in the morning keeps me clued in on what’s happening in the world. I had to step away from the cable news channels and I’m better for it.
What is one thing you can do today to make tomorrow a little easier for yourself? Do that. Everyday.
If it’s beyond your control, let it go.
Dream! Write down your goals. Then break them down into monthly/weekly/daily steps.
Have a night in with good friends.
Think of small gestures that make you feel loved – then do some for yourself today.
Create a “Yay” list. Every night, list everything that made you say “yay” throughout the day.
Instead of doing late nights on the weekend, go for long brunches. Gotta make sure you’re getting your beauty sleep.
Think about taking a class on something you’ve always been curious about.
Hopefully, there were some ideas here that you can add to your own list. Is there anything you’d add?

I completely agree that self-care should be simple and within everyone’s reach. Your suggestions like creating a worry-free zone, embracing creativity, and even social media detoxes are practical and achievable.
Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts. 🙂