Recently I was reading something that asked the question, how late is too late to say “Happy New Year”? Does it only apply during the first week of the year? Can we still say it until the month of January is over? What’s the verdict on that? The lesson I learned leads me to hover around two options. I think it’s cool as long as it’s still January. I also think it’s cool to say it to someone you have seen or talked to in the new year. That’s an around-the-bend way of me saying, I’m still on my New Year kick. Ha!

I’ve been thinking about all the things I learned in the last year. Some were lessons repeated and others were aha moments. Regardless of how the lessons came about, I’m taking them with me into the new year. Hopeful not to have to repeat them and determined to grow from them. Sharing is caring so I’m passing on what I’ve learned to you.
- I am not here to prove anything to anyone but myself.
- It’s OK to just let go
- I know more than I give myself credit for.
- If you allow other people to fill your schedule you’ll never have time for yourself.
- It’s possible to let too many things slide
- Everybody doesn’t see or appreciate your sacrifices
- What you say to yourself is far more important than what others say to you
- What you believe about yourself is far more important than what others think of you
- Finding yourself outside of who you are to other people is essential
- Hug your mom everyone isn’t able
- Nothing is permanent good feelings or bad feelings all pass
- The moment is all that exists
- What you focus on grows
- You only need a couple of good friends. It is quality not quantity
- Wanting something is not enough
- I haven’t failed unless I stop trying
- I don’t have to take on everybody else’s problems
- I am one choice away from changing everything
- Regret hurts way more than failure
- It’s OK to want more especially when you already recognize what you have is enough
- Change your definition of success to things that are in your control
- It’s OK to not have an opinion on everything
Every year since 2020 has been…interesting. Still, there’s lessons to learn if we look for them. There’s something we can latch on to and take with us are there. What did you learn over the last year?