I might have a problem. I think I’m okay with admitting that. So here goes my confession. I am way too into podcasts! A first, I thought it was because I work from home and the podcasts fill in for office chatter. It’s also a great way to catch up on the news quickly without having to watch the news. Personally, I’m burnt out on the news so a quick podcast is the best way for me to check in with what’s going on in the world. My favorite podcasts do the trick of keeping me clued into what’s going on in the world.

Over time I’ve changed up with the ones I’m really into. The news pods stay the same but everything else can be moved in or out of the rotation based on my interests. I love a good pop culture podcast, so I always manage to have a few of those in the mix. A good podcast is always a great way to wind down from the day or to just take a little time for yourself before you jump into whatever the next thing is.
Fave Five Podcasts
NPR Book of The Day – This is a recent addition for me. I think I heard about it from another podcast. The podcast is just what it says, it’s a highlight of a book or two of the day. They offer a snippet of what the books are about. For a book lover like me, this podcast could be trouble. I’ve already picked up a couple of books talked about in a few episodes.
R&B Money – As much of a book lover as I am, I am an even BIGGER music lover. When I first heard about this podcast, I took my time making my way to it. Once I tuned in, I was hooked. There are so many good guests featured like Babyface, D-Nice, Jon B., and Tyrese. They delve into some of the behind-the-scenes of it all and it’s fascinating.
Vibe Check – One of the hosts of this show is Sam Sanders. I first found him when he was at NPR. Now he’s got two other podcasts. One is solo and this one is with two of his friends. They are smart, funny, insightful and so informative. They cover pop culture, politics, and everything in between. It’s so good.
Pod Save America – I’ve listened to this one for years now. They are former speechwriters for Obama and they are incredibly insightful politically. They all also have a great sense of humor.
Higher Learning – Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsay are a good match. Their banter is like that of a brother and sister. Covering everything from pop culture to politics they make a lot of valid points and it feels like you’re sitting in on a family convo with some decently informed relatives. Theirs is an entertaining and thought-provoking podcast.
What podcasts are you listening to?