More and more these days we are being encouraged to embrace differences. Going further, you’ll see those differences celebrated in a way that they just weren’t years ago. That message though, butts heads with everything else we’re shown. One look on Instagram and you might see a lot of people doing the same things and trying to achieve the same look. In all honesty, there’s still a huge need to feel like you fit in. Consider this my declaration of my differences. Those things that make me different lead to some pretty interesting conversations and stories. Keep reading as I share 5 unique things about me.

Random Facts
Let’s start with random fact number one: my height. Mostly because it’s the first thing people notice when they see me. I’m 6’1”. I hated it when I was growing up. It was just another reason to stand out and be teased. I was 5’11” at 12 years old. You can imagine how fun that was. Now, I appreciate it as another unique thing about me. These days, I’m all about embracing those things that make me different. Think: superpowers.
About five years ago, I decided to give up most meat and become a pescatarian. I had been debating being a full on vegetarian for years. Pescatarian seemed like a good fit, simply because I love sushi. So, for the most part, I am nearly vegetarian because I don’t eat fish all the time. I mix my diet up with a bunch of plant based protein options. It is fascinating by how nervous people get when they find out you don’t eat meat. I guess I get it. I thought I’d miss hamburgers and chicken wings. Turns out – I don’t.
Years ago, I was pretty new to L.A. I had been encouraged by many friends to audition for America’s Next Top Model. A a co-worker was all about it and convinced me to let him shoot a video. I think I auditioned at least three times and was passed by every time. For some reason, I was down with giving it another shot – kind of. There was a local competition affiliated with ANTM. It was at a club, if I remember correctly.
The competition wasn’t for the show but instead for a cash prize. The judges from the actual show were there to decide the winner. I jumped in and gave it a shot. I placed! I think I came in second? It’s been a while. I don’t remember how much money I got. The crazy thing is, when it was over, people that were in the audience were tracking me down to get my autograph. I signed a few. It was a pretty epic experience. I was a celebrity in L.A. for one night. It was all so random and odd. Eh, I’ll take it.
As a child, I wrote lots of songs and poems. It probably had something to do with being an only child. I put my feelings on paper on a regular basis. I used to keep them all rolled up like a scroll and under my bed. Years ago, I even published a book of poetry. I’m not surprised that just about every job I’ve had in my career has had “writer” in the title.
As a mother, I tend to follow the lead of my kids. The things they naturally gravitate toward are the things I nurture. When we’re adults, people tell us to think back to the things we loved as a kid when we’re trying to figure out what we want to do with our lives. I figure, if we nurture those interests now, they won’t have to look for them when they are older. It may make finding out what they want to do easier.
I was born and raised in Detroit, Mi. When I was growing up there it was still considered a pretty big city and it was definitely a chocolate city. It still is. I didn’t realize what an advantage that was at the time. Everywhere I looked there was someone who looked like me. That’s a self esteem boost for a kid. I see it so clearly now that we are raising our kids in Southern California. We moved from Los Angeles to Orange County a few years ago and it’s not the norm to bump into Black people here. I wish that wasn’t the case, mostly for my kids sake. I’m always working to cultivate a diverse community, one that includes people that look like them.