No one could blame you if you’ve fallen into a slump. Not having to get dressed everyday can change some things. For the last year, a lot of us haven’t needed to leave the house for work. Even when you have to show your face for work in a Zoom, sweatpants paired with a blouse works well. Getting dressed to leave the house is a boost in a lot of ways and not having that – for a year can make anyone feel a bit “meh”.

It’s starting to look like Spring and things seem to be getting… better. It’s a great time for a girl to get her groove back. Loving on yourself in small ways is an easy way to move you from “meh” to “heeey”. Keep reading for 7 easy ways to love on yourself. Self love is the best love, right?
Positive affirmations go a long to boost me. I have them on my phone set as reminders. Every few hours I get a dose of good feels and a reminder of who I am and what I’m capable of.
Start each day with a simple question : What’s the best that could happen? Always bee on the lookout for something good to be coming your way.
Treat yourself to something that nourishes your body. Eating healthy foods are a great way to have you feeling good from the inside. How we feel on the inside plays a big part in how look and feel on the outside.
Create your vibe online by unfollowing and unliking people and things that aren’t pouring into you in a positive way. We know that being intentional about who and what we interact with makes a difference. As for me, I’m all about the good vibes.
Be OK with saying no. I have been guilty of saying yes to way too much, especially in this pandemic. There have been so many events and opportunities that have come up and I’ve signed up for far too many. In some cases, I resent that I’ve said yes because I’m overcommitted. FOMO can’t be the ruling factor in why I’m saying yes.
What are you good at? Do more of it. Doing something that you’re good at is a confidence boost that reminds you that you’re capable. It’s also a good reminder that the way you learned that thing, you can learn other things too that may seem hard at first.
Move your body! It’s try what they say about how exercise releases the endorphins that make you feel good. I am a huge proponent of exercise. It’s an immediate mood shifter for me. It also has the added bonus of keeping me in shape.
What’s your favorite way to make sure you’re showing yourself some love?