Yesterday was one for the books. Instagram, Facebook and What’sApp disappeared. You know what happened next? Aside from EVERYONE heading to Twitter, it became quite clear how much we all use and rely on those apps. They’re a huge a huge part of the work I do in social media. My whole work day came to a screeching halt. Aside from work, I realized I check these apps way too much. I know that already but still. The social media black out of 2021 got me thinking about what else I could be doing with all the time I’m using scrolling. What happens when there’s a social media blackout for nearly a full day? We start to see how much time we spend checking and scrolling. It ain’t pretty. Let’s fix that.

I’m not alone in thinking about this. I went to Twitter for a bit (how else would I get my fix and updates). So many people were talking about updating their blogs and actually writing a blog post. For a lot of people the idea of a blog had fallen way off. While blogging used to be huge, Instagram has taken over. That connection we used to get from blogging is barely hanging on.
Another thing people mentioned was writing to their subscribers. Here is where I’m so guilty. It’s been a while since I have sat down to write a note just to my subscribers. I’m fixing that today. If you’re not signed up, enter your name and email up top so we can stay in touch. I’ll be sending out a love note Thursday. It’s beyond time.
The bottom line of it all is we tend to have more time than we think. All those few minutes here and there just checking social media, adds up. It’ll easily mean hours that we’ve spent scrolling and liking. So when we say we don’t have time to read a book, or workout or (insert thing you don’t have time for), maybe we do. I found myself trying to figure out what to jump into first since I had “extra” time.
One more thing that sticks out is that there are other things that should be getting the attention we give Facebook and Instagram. Whether it’s a blog post that needs to be written or a newsletter that needs to be sent, we have to make time to do it. I’m definitely talking to myself here, ugh.
What can you make time for?