I’ve been blogging since 2011. It seems like it might be a good time to re-introduce myself. I can’t even believe that I’ve been online that long. My original blog was started after I became a Mom. It was called Bibs and Baubles. I was seeking to connect with other Moms because most of my friends didn’t have kids at the time. There was a need for people that could relate to my journey. I was trying to carve out my new identity. What I found is that I needed to be seen as more than a Mom.

I needed to remind myself that I had a whole identity before kids and that hadn’t disappeared completely. That’s where camesha.com was born. I was determined to motivate other Mothers to still pursue their passions and their dreams. At that time, I dubbed myself “Mama Motivator”.

After even more growth, I found that my interests changed. I’m very much an advocate for self care, wellness, fitness and self love. Instead of “Mama Motivator”, it’s now “Love, Camesha”. It is a notice for me to remember to love myself and also my reminder to you that what I speak in this space is said with love. Since I made that change, it seemed like a good time to re-introduce myself. So let’s roll with a few facts about me you probably didn’t know.

Let me re-introduce myself

The thing that seems to surprise people is that I’m tall. I’m 6’1″ and have been tall as long as I can remember. It’s a trait I’ve definitely passed on to my two children.

As of 2016, I stopped eating most meat and became a pescatarian. If you ask my husband he’ll probably tell you I’m a vegetarian because I eat mostly vegetarian dishes and not a ton of seafood. I really only went pescatarian instead of vegetarian because I really love sushi.

I’m a fitness fanatic and have been for years. When I was younger, I would work out for two hours, five times a week. Once I got married and then had kids, things did change a bit. I wasn’t as committed. You know, life was happening. I’ve been on top of it though for the last several years and work out six days a week. I do it as much for my mental as my physical. It just feels good.

I read a ton! Because of my love of reading, I get through about four books a month. I think the most I’ve done was seven in one month. You can check out the books I’ve read recently here. I’m also always open to book suggestions.

My kryptonite are french fries and glazed donuts. I can hardly ever say no to either. Jelly donuts are a close second. So good.

I’m a professional writer. I have worked for a newspaper and television networks and now I’m a freelance writer. For years I wouldn’t even call myself a writer even though that was literally the title on the wall in the office. I realized people with far less experience were calling themselves writers. They were proudly declaring their title even though no one was cutting them a check for it. Here I was, a salaried writer, shy about it. Imposter syndrome is real. That’s a few things about me. I’d love to know more about you.


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