Gratitude is an attitude we should carry with us every day, right? There’s one day in the year though that I’m EXTRA grateful. It’s my birthday!!! This week, I completed another trip around the sun. I’m another year older and in this current state of the world that is something to celebrate!

Initially, I thought I’d be glum about my birthday I mean, we are in the middle of a global pandemic. The world has gone crazy. There are huge issues in this country regarding race and politics – it’s madness. It would be easy to be filled with negativity. Instead, I’m choosing to celebrate that I’m still here. Every year, I’m grateful for life. This year feels more profound because so many people have been lost. My Dad has lost several friends to COVID-19. People that I’ve gone to school with or share time with in Facebook groups have been sick or know people who have passed. To say I’m just happy to be here isn’t an understatement in the least. I’m truly grateful.
For no reason in particular, I never really make a big deal about my birthday. I don’t make any grand plans or have any great expectations. My husband always finds a way to make the day special. This year feels a bit more special already because my mother lives here in California now. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to spend my birthday together. Thankful.
My husband had planned a surprise trip to Hawaii for my birthday. The pandemic has that trip pushed WAY back. So, I looked for other ways to treat myself. I bought a really pretty ring that I’d been eyeballing. I ordered cupcakes from one of my favorite places and left the rest in my husbands hands. He made sure I was able to take it easy – even while I’m doing virtual school with the kids.
Oh, I had plans
I have been thinking about all the things I wanted to do this year. Like most of you, I had plans! There was a trip to Dubai to celebrate my friends 50th birthday. There was a plan for a podcast for me and plans to jump back into the corporate workplace. I thought work would be doable because my kids were in school full time and would need me less. All of it came to a screeching halt!
No international travel, so there went Dubai. The podcast got lost in the shuffle because I’ve had way too much to contend with because of this shift in life. As I was updating my resume and looking to rejoin the workforce, I decided my children would actually need me more as we navigate this new normal. I’m grateful to be able to make that choice to continue to stay home with them.
This week, I’m trying not to think about the beaches of Hawaii. I’m focused on all the good things right in front of me. Grateful that there’s no shortage of them.