Do you ever feel like, blah when it comes to your look? I’m raising my hand and screaming, “I do, I do”. I have been wearing my natural curls for several months and I kind of started to miss seeing my hair straight. The thing is, when I think of blow drying my hair, I feel like I’m betraying my curls. I know, it sounds crazy. The longer I wear my natural curls, the curlier my hair gets and I love that. Still, I wanted to do something different. It came down to straightening my hair or cutting it. Something needed to happen. A big chop seemed a bit dramatic, so I sucked it up and decided to straighten my mane. Here’s what it looked like after blow drying. When I tell you my arms were tired… For some reason I forgot how much hair I have. All of those curls were playing tricks on me.

before the blowout
Now came the task of actually styling this massive afro. Trust me, I almost left it as is. I was not ready for all of this. In the name of looking different and feeling less blah, I tackled it, weary arms and all.

blow out

Of course, the very next day it rained! Boo hiss!! A fresh blow out and rain does not mix. No ma’am. My solution, wrap it up!

wrap it up

It seems as if my quest for a new look worked itself into a few different looks. Works for me. Right now, I’m kind of missing my curls though.

photo(61)Some people are never satisfied, huh? What’s new in your world? Have you done anything lately to chase the blah’s away?



11 Comments on A Case of the Blah’s

  1. I feel blah about pretty much anything I wear and I am so over my hair. But I don’t have the time to dedicated to a makeover.

    I love your hair! I like the versatility in your style too 🙂 I wish I could wrap up my hair and go on to work, lol!
    From Mrs. to Mom recently posted…Thursday’s thoughtsMy Profile

  2. I love the looks! And you go girl with the head wrap! Oh yea 🙂

    I’m feeling a change in my hair too! I think I’m going to try loc pedals that I’ve noticed on youtube. let’s see if I have the patience to do that. It will give me the look of short hair for a week or two. Mama doesn’t have money for a makeover 🙂
    KalleyC recently posted…Musically Monday: Dude Looks Like A Lady!My Profile

  3. I can so relate. I have naturally curly hair, which is how I wear it most. And there are some days when I’m done with curly hair. I want straight. But I hate blowing it out, yeah, the arm starts to hurt. Ugh. So I found a way to cheat that works for me. I wash my hair, pull it back into a ponytail, leave it to dry, then take a flat iron and run that through my hair. Viola, I have straight hair. 🙂 I love your hair either way. It’s beautiful.
    Debra@AModernTranslation recently posted…Spring Into FitMy Profile

  4. I think it’s “blah season” all around. I’m feeling blah-y about my TWA to the point of wanting to get some cute wigs. I may yet do it! Usually around this time I’m excited to get new clothes for spring. Right now… can’t muster up much energy in that department either. I think with warmer weather, the blahs will disappear. I hope so!
    Alison Hector recently posted…WaitingMy Profile

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