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bucket list

Bonus Post!


Today I have two posts for the price of one! After you’ve read my amazing list of things I have kicked off my bucket list… I’ve got a request for you. OK, maybe two! I’m the Posh Mom of the Week! Head on over to Mommy Posh to check out my feature on her fabulous […] Read more…

Releasing the tape…


I’m doing it. I’m going all out. I wanna be a blogger on People’s baby blog. Yep, I want the big time! Two problems standing in my way. I don’t have what you would technically consider a baby. I mean, he’s almost 16 months. He’s still a baby to me. That’s gotta count for something, […] Read more…

Kick the Bucket…List


Up until the movie I had no idea what a “bucket list” was. Certainly, I didn’t have one. Recently I was reading something and came across the term and decided to try to make my own bucket list. A little deep thought was required. There are so many things I want to do. Thing is, […] Read more…