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Taking Chances


Dreams have been a popular topic in the land of Bibs & Baubles. I think you all know by now I’m a big fan of goals, finding your passion and following your dreams. Sometimes, it’s in the smallest ways that we make that happen. I recently set out to check a goal off of my […] Read more…

Did He Try to Kill Me?


It’s not something I’m proud of but, that doesn’t make it any less true. I can’t swim. It shocks people to know this about me. I guess I just hang out with a bunch of swimmers! I have a really good reason why I can’t swim. At least, I think it’s a good reason. It […] Read more…

Reverse Bucket List


People always make a list of things they want to do in their lifetime. Here’s a twist – how about a list of things I never, ever wanna do. Ever. 1 – Bungee jump – Why? Just why? Not sure why I would want to dangle from a glorified rubber band suspended hundreds of feet […] Read more…

I Remember When…


I remember when… I was afraid to dream. I was afraid that things I wanted were too far-fetched and out of reach. I remember when I was afraid to try. It was too easy to imagine failure so why even embark on a pointless journey. I remember when dreaming seemed silly and something only kids […] Read more…

Dropping Pounds is Popular


No matter where you go What you’re doing or what you’re watching They’re going to get you! These weight loss programs are pulling out all the stops to get our attention! And they’re using the most fab celebs to do it! How many people vow to lose weight in the new year? I think it’s […] Read more…

New Outlook for the New Year


Happy New Year everyone!!! Can you believe it’s 2012? We rang in the New Year at home this year. No church. No parties. No get together with friends. Just us, at home with Dick Clark. I know, you are so freaking jealous! I was actually asleep before midnight. That hasn’t happened in years and my […] Read more…

Finding Me…And You


I am… A mother, a wife, a daughter, a friend, a writer, a creator…. I can also be a procrastinator, an overly cautious risk taker, a shy, scared to shine mogul in the making. I am full of so many ideas and businesses and visions and dreams. I have been reading blogs and articles and […] Read more…