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let’s talk

About that social media blackout…


Yesterday was one for the books. Instagram, Facebook and What’sApp disappeared. You know what happened next? Aside from EVERYONE heading to Twitter, it became quite clear how much we all use and rely on those apps. They’re a huge a huge part of the work I do in social media. My whole work day came […] Read more…

6 Things I’ve Given Up


The last year has made it clear that there are some things I just don’t need. I’ve been going through my closet to let go of clothes I haven’t worn in years – yes, years. I already gave away boxes of shoes. Some were brand new. Hindsight, I probably should have sold them. 2020 got […] Read more…

Where have I Been


It’s been a few weeks since I’ve shared in this space. It wasn’t intentional. There are so many blog posts in draft mode that I wasn’t short on content. What I was short on was energy. Like you, I’ve been plowing away over the last year or so with being mom, wife, teacher and employee. […] Read more…