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Fall Madly in love with YOU


How much do you love you? Is it off the charts love? Whatever the case, we could all use a little more love – from ourselves! Here are my top four ways to fall so madly in love with YOU! Stop comparing yourself to others. You are fabulous just the way you are. There’s no […] Read more…

If The World Wrote You A Letter


“We’re all desperately waiting for you to just do it.  What are you waiting for? Signed, The World Is that the kind of sign we need to get things moving? Does the world really  need to cry out for us to set out on the path of turning dreams into reality? The truth is, the […] Read more…

Hello, Is this thing on?


What had happened was… I know I have been gone far too long. It wasn’t on purpose, that’s for sure. When I tell you this transition has rocked my world and turned it upside down, I’m not lying. Creating my new normal has taken more time that I expected. My friends keep reminding me that […] Read more…

When there are NO excuses left.


As I’ve set out to make my dreams cone true, I’ve come across so many who hold on to doubt that their own dreams are even possible and worth pursuing. Here are my top 9 excuses for why we don’t follow our dreams. via I’m not _____ enough. Remember your words have power. If you […] Read more…

Rejection or Protection


Rejection sucks. There’s no way of getting around it. It is no fun to want something or someone and get a big thumbs down thrown your way. We’ve all been there. Still, rejection is not something anyone wants to get used to. The thing is, sometimes we have to get used to being denied. We […] Read more…

Hey Ms. Perfect! What are you hiding?


I’ve been told that I’m a perfectionist. I do like things to be a certain way. I’ll keep working on something until I have it just right. It might take me a little longer than I’d like to finish things because I’m busy tinkering. Ms. Perfect complex? I dunno. via  What I know is that […] Read more…