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6 Things I’ve Given Up


The last year has made it clear that there are some things I just don’t need. I’ve been going through my closet to let go of clothes I haven’t worn in years – yes, years. I already gave away boxes of shoes. Some were brand new. Hindsight, I probably should have sold them. 2020 got […] Read more…

Where have I Been


It’s been a few weeks since I’ve shared in this space. It wasn’t intentional. There are so many blog posts in draft mode that I wasn’t short on content. What I was short on was energy. Like you, I’ve been plowing away over the last year or so with being mom, wife, teacher and employee. […] Read more…

Allow me to Re-Introduce Myself


I’ve been blogging since 2011. It seems like it might be a good time to re-introduce myself. I can’t even believe that I’ve been online that long. My original blog was started after I became a Mom. It was called Bibs and Baubles. I was seeking to connect with other Moms because most of my […] Read more…