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bibs & baubles

I Guess I Was Asking for It


Looking back, I totally set myself up for this. It came naturally. Whenever my son hurt himself, he tells me he has an ow-ee. My response, “where is it? I’ll kiss it and make it better.” Well, now my child has stepped into new territory. #1 While eating dinner, he bit his tongue. He says, […] Read more…

Reverse Bucket List


People always make a list of things they want to do in their lifetime. Here’s a twist – how about a list of things I never, ever wanna do. Ever. 1 – Bungee jump – Why? Just why? Not sure why I would want to dangle from a glorified rubber band suspended hundreds of feet […] Read more…

Mega Blok® Blok Squad Review


When I was approached about checking out Mega Bloks, I was intrigued. Our son is a fan of Lego building blocks so I had no doubt that he’d love these as well. He was very excited the moment he saw the box. I opted for the Mega Blok® Blok Squad Police Force set as my […] Read more…

Farewell Seems the Best Word


I was in college at a gas station when I heard the news that Tupac Shakur had died. I was sad, but not shocked. I was at work when word spread about the death of Michael Jackson. We all thought it was a cruel joke and remained glued to our computers and TV’s as the […] Read more…