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bibs & baubles

R.I.P Caylee


I’ve said nothing. I avoided the topic completely. I turned my head or the channel whenever it came on TV. The Casey Anthony trial is impossible to avoid now. I don’t know if I wanted to pretend it didn’t exist. I don’t think that’s it. I think I just knew that I couldn’t handle knowing […] Read more…

Tots on the pole


If your daughter decides to hit the pole at 18, you’d probably question yourself. Where did you go wrong? Why did she make that choice? At the end of the day though, it would have been her choice as a consenting adult. Sucky choice, but her choice. The same can’t be said when it’s a […] Read more…

R.I.P Social Media


Calm yourselves, Social media is still alive and kicking! A prompt from Mama Kat a couple of weeks ago got me thinking about what if. What if social media no longer existed? What would be my new hobby? Great question. I mean, social media is so widespread even grandmas are tweeting.So what would I do […] Read more…

“Move it” Monday


It’s Monday and I need a little something to get my day going and get my week started on a good note. Since Bibs & Baubles represents the many sides of me – it makes sense that my love of music would work it’s way in here. I’ve loved this song for a long time. […] Read more…

H&M and V


I never thought I’d see the day. As far as fashion goes… this might be the collaboration to top them all! After Cavalli, Lanvin, Lagerfeld and even Jimmy Choo,  it was only a matter of time before the big “V” came along for the ride. I’m talking about Versace. The fashion giant will be doing […] Read more…