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bibs & baubles



To be clear, this week was screwed before it began. There have been so many things that should have told me this week would be “one of those weeks”. Let’s start with how last week ended. Our company has implemented “Summer Fridays”. Many of us will be taking every other Friday off for the rest […] Read more…

About the Birds & Bees


Get ready to sit down with a sippy cup and have “the talk” with your kids. Yep, that “talk”. OK, maybe not right now but, there’s a book out that says you should be having that talk with little Johnny by age 5! You read right, FIVE. Does that seem crazy early or is it […] Read more…

One Brave Chica


My husband is good at a lot of things. He’s a pretty smart guy who knows a lot about a lot. Me likey. He can talk politics, finance and world events with the best of them. While he is pretty fashionable in his own right, I don’t know if I’d trust him with dressing me […] Read more…

Veggie Baby


I gave birth to a vegetarian. It’s true. OK, maybe not a complete vegetarian. He’s the kind that will eat some things – like sausage and fish. What are they called? Yeah, he’s that kind. I don’t really have much of a problem with it. I flirt with the idea of being a vegetarian myself. […] Read more…

Run For It!!


Here’s something you should know about me, I am an only child. While I didn’t have siblings to grow up with, I did have cousins. There were four of us. Three girls and one boy. The boy being the oldest. We would have so much fun together. The girls stuck together. The boy wanted very […] Read more…