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Who Do You Love?


Valentine’s Day is around the corner. It’s one of those days that gets people all riled up. There’s the group who talk about it being a over hyped made up holiday. Then there’s those who are absolutely loving the day and the chance to spoil people they love. I fall in the middle. I didn’t […] Read more…

Choose Your Words


For years I called myself shy. In many ways, I still think I am. For people that are around me for any length of time, they are not buying the “shy” thing. That made me think about how I was really putting myself out there. Maybe I’m not really shy. Maybe I just need time […] Read more…

Motivated Mama: DeAngelia


For this “Motivated Mama” interview, I talk to a college classmate. She’s building a boutique while raising a family. She shares some of the joys and struggles that come with really going for your dreams. It’s not easy, but surely worth it. Camesha: Tell me about your passion. DeAngelia: My passion is simply to help […] Read more…