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Don’t Even Ask


As women, we have so many rules. It’s been said for years that you never ask a woman her age or her weight. When we become mothers there is a whole new set of rules. Where do I begin? Don’t question maternity leave I know a few people (men) who look at maternity leave as […] Read more…

Things I Can’t Say


There is nothing like becoming a parent to make you take a closer look at yourself.  It’s like holding up a mirror and seeing all of your flaws crystal clear. I’ve found that I pay more attention to what I do AND what I say! Some things that were totally harmless before don’t seem OK […] Read more…

It’s Potty Time!


There are signs. There are always signs. When my son was a baby, he would nod his head in the direction of my boobage with his mouth wide open to signal to me that he was hungry. When he started to eat food, he gave signals. His little mouth would water with anticipation of the […] Read more…

No Buts About It


For me, motherhood came with a lot of questions. What is labor really like? How does breastfeeding work? How am I supposed to function with no sleep? I’ve learned along the way that some things you just have to figure out for yourself. Everybody is different and so are their experiences. That being said, I’ve […] Read more…

Just a Thought


Before I had my son, I had all these grand ideas of the things I was going to do to be the perfect mommy. I was going to keep a mommy journal of all of the changes that come with being his mother. I was going to keep up with his baby book and have […] Read more…

Best Birthday Gift I Ever Got


My birthday was last Thursday. I hadn’t planned anything to celebrate and every time my husband asked me what I wanted to do my answer was the same. Nothing. There was nothing I could think of, outside of a vacation, that I really wanted to do. I had been talking for months about getting a […] Read more…

Babies are Babies?


Please try not to be offended by my statement. It was true for me and may not apply to you. I just realize more and more everyday that my dog totally prepped me for mommyhood. Hear me out. I know that there is a big difference between a canine and a human. I haven’t completely […] Read more…

Nothing But Drama


*It has occurred to me that I’ve been keeping something from you. I totally forgot to tell you all that I’m a contributor at an online magazine. I’ve been there for a little bit now and completely forgot to share the news. There’s a new post up today. Let’s talk about the drama king! Enjoy! […] Read more…

One and Done?


There’s an argument going on these days about how many kids to have. Some say the more the merrier. Others say one and done! What you decide to do is obviously up to you. For me, I think that having two kids is ideal – that’s just for me. As an only child, I thought […] Read more…