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working mom

Annnd I’m Back


So, my time is up. Maternity leave is officially over and yesterday I made my return to work. I kissed my little princess as much as possible and told her how much her mommy loves her. She just looked me in the eyes and laughed and smiled. I know she’s fine in the hands of […] Read more…

Guest Post: Work/ Life: Seeking Balance


Missing Out?


I was sitting in a conference room at work for a meeting. I glanced out of the window. There were a few moms out back pushing their kids in the swings. I should mention there’s a playground connected to our building. Moms and nannies from the surrounding neighborhood come to hang out with their kids […] Read more…

Little Things


The other night I was a bit of a frazzled mess. I was cooking dinner for my family as usual and just felt exhausted. As I was cooking, I started thinking about how crazy our weeks are. After working all day I rush home to get dinner started and have about 20 minutes to get […] Read more…