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Tots on the pole


If your daughter decides to hit the pole at 18, you’d probably question yourself. Where did you go wrong? Why did she make that choice? At the end of the day though, it would have been her choice as a consenting adult. Sucky choice, but her choice. The same can’t be said when it’s a […] Read more…

40 Before 40 No. 6


I have an announcement to make. Prepare yourself. I think I’m getting lazy. There, I said it! I have become a shell of my former workout self. I don’t like it, I want to change it. I’m finding it’s easier said than done.  Since “the big push” aka birth I haven’t been able to work […] Read more…

No Trespassing


Dear Athleta,  I’m not sure what to say here. I think you’re cool. I like what you have to offer. The work out gear seems top notch and all. It’s just that right now, we’re in different places in life. You’re all “work out, it’s cool” and I’m all “when? I don’t have time”. This […] Read more…