How are you adjusting to this new normal? For me, it’s like emerging out of a cocoon. I’m still a bit skeptical, unsure of my surroundings, but eager to have new experiences. I’ve been moving very slowly into this new world. It’s become normal for me to only spend time with people I’m related to. Joining with others has taken time. It’s so odd really since it never required thought or trepidation before. This is it. These are the new things, feelings and uncertainty that now cloud my mind as I move forward.

We had friends over not too long ago and it was met with cautious excitement from me. We were going to be having dinner, together, inside our home. We’ve done this countless times over the more than decade of friendship but this was so different. We’d all been vaccinated and were eager to hang out. Still, when they arrived we all stayed outside, socially distanced and talked. It took a little while before we bit the bullet and made our way into the house – mask free. And that’s what it’s been like, coming out of quarantine and into this new normal. So many new, old experiences as we make our way back. So many small steps as we aim to reclaim our joy.
As I’m thinking of all we’ve experienced over the last nearly two years, I’m wonder what joy looks like for you. How have you held on to it? I read somewhere that choosing joy was like choosing to fly wearing cement shoes. That stuck with me. And it seems so appropriate considering all the things swirling around us. There are a couple of things that have worked for me when it comes to choosing joy. Avoiding negative things, negative talk and people. I don’t have the bandwidth for it. I never have. My tolerance is even lower these days. Another thing that’s worked for me is focusing on the the things within my control. So much is out of my control that it can be easy to just feel totally overwhelmed. It helps to zoom in on what is within my reach and give that my attention. The other stuff will have to work itself out. What does choosing joy look like for you?