Want my confession?
The nerve of me. I started this site with the bold name of “Mama Motivator”. That was one gutsy move to say the least. You can’t set out to motivate other moms without being motivated yourself. You can’t inspire and motivate mamas to find their passion and follow their dreams if you aren’t doing the same.
If I’m honest, things have gotten a bit tougher for me to do every since I launched this site. While they’ve gotten tougher, things have also gotten clearer. Does that make sense?
I feel like when you put yourself out there to do something, you will be tested on that very thing you say you’re about. That is what I’m dealing with right now. In order for me to be some source of “get it, girl”, “you got this, mama” cheerleader. I have to cheer myself on. If I don’t then I can’t offer you suggestions for cheering yourself on when things get tough.
So while it’s been harder for me to get things done and sometimes I struggle to keep my momentum, I also have clarity. I have never been clearer on what my goals are and what the big dream is for me. Because I don’t have a huge amount of time to dedicate to making things happen, I have to be real specific about what I want and use my time wisely. In times like this…this has to become your mantra!
It’s hard to do anything while being the full time teacher, caretaker, short order cook and everything else my family needs from me. Finding time to write, promote and create can be a struggle. I am knee deep in a new e book that I can’t wait to share with the world. It’s hard to work on that and actively blog. I have had it on my list for a while to release my book of poetry on Kindle. It is finally a reality. I can’t tell you how to knock dreams out as a SAHM with two kids if I’m not living it. I’m living it. I’m struggling through it. It’s not always pretty. The dream is real though. Creating a spaces that inspires, motivates and empowers moms is real for me. I live it, I breathe it, I am it.
Here are some ideas to help you keep going when you feel like your get up and go, got up and went.
1 Remember why you started. I started this site with the intent of really being an ally to other moms. I want to see us take those things we hide in our hearts and present them to the world. I seriously think about you guys all the time and things I want to share. To say I’m passionate would be an understatement. When I feel like it’s too hard to keep this going, I remember why I started.
2 Walk away. Whenever ever you are passionate about something, when it’s your dream, it’s easy to let it consume you. It’s easy to get lost in the bigness of it all. It’s a dream so big that it’s hard to see your way through it. Walk away. Taking a break from it all will give you the space to clear your head. You can think about other stuff and enjoy other things. In the process you’ll secretly be getting doses of inspiration and creative nuggets that will help you tackle this again with new eyes. It probably won’t seem so overwhelming anymore.
3 See the big finish. Think about what it will be like when you’ve made it. When you’ve made the impossible totally doable. You’ll be one of those rare people that gets to say, “I did it!” You’ll also have the honor of being a huge inspiration to others.
What zaps your motivation and how do you get back on track?

Walking away helps me. Sometimes I just need a change of scenery to be able to get back to what I was doing and be able to focus.
Thanks for these great tips. I’m generally a go-getter, but there are some days when I just don’t feel like doing ANYTHING.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Beautiful Puerto Rico is Calling!
I don’t think it was a gutsy move – I think it was brilliant! You can’t motivate moms that don’t want to be motivated. Keep bringing the awesome!
Sara P. (@SensiblySara) recently posted…Chef Boyardee on Rollback at Walmart #ad #LowPriceMeals
I either talk to my husband or my blog mentor and they give me a hardcore pep talk. This always gets me back on track.
Sometimes I find myself in the middle of a huge project and I forget why I started in the first place. I think taking a step back and seeing the big picture helps a lot!
Liz Mays recently posted…Mexi-Mac Tostada Bowls
It really does. When you get deep into a large project, sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees, as they say. I’ve had that problem more than once.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…St. Patrick’s Day Craft: DIY Leprechaun Beard
Great tips!! My oldest is really great at giving me motivation and ideas. It’s great having a huge family they all help and chip in when I need it!
Great tips! We all can use a little perspective from time to time.
Cassie recently posted…February Birchbox
I need to be organized in my goal setting. Having it spelled out keeps me accountable.
Crystal recently posted…How to Throw a Cinderella Party
Great tips and goof for you! I need more confidence.
I have found a little break works great. You will do fine.
Debbie Denny recently posted…HOME New Movie Lyric Video for Jennifer Lopezâs “Feel the Light”!â #DreamWorksHOME
Drama and negativity… It’s hard to get back on track but i pray.
Raijean recently posted…Travel Tuesday: Cold Weather Fun at Eagle Ridge Resort
These are great tips for feeling and keeping motivated. I’m glad you’ve got nerve, because it’s what keeps most of us focused on the right track.
Ora Lee Gurr recently posted…Traveling Tuesdays: Five Best and Worst States for Senior Health
Great post! I feel the same way! 🙂 All three of those things are perfect!
Amanda recently posted…4 Things You Need This Winter
It’s always a struggle to find long term motivation. These are great tips – thank you!
Jennifer recently posted…Gaga, NPH, Selma, Patricia: an Oscar 2015 Recap
Great post! I have time management issues/competing priorities, and I’m single, so I can only imagine how it is for moms! Your tips are great, I’ll have to keep them in mind when I start to lose motivation/feel overwhelmed.
Kasi recently posted…Fashion Replay at the 2015 Academy Awards: The Good, The Bad, and The Basic
Cameshia, Walk away my favorate…. continue struggle but I got it under control now. Thanks for motivating me to do better.
Patrice M fOSTER recently posted…Are you Raising Happy Children? Here’s How to Tell
I need to apply these tips for sure, I frequently feel at the end of my rope. Thanks for the reassurance.
Great Post!! Doing too many things at one time really zaps my energy. I’m trying to delegate the less important tasks so that I’m not running on empty.
Sounds like me. I’m still trying to figure this new life of being a mom and juggling everything around.
Shani recently posted…Girls Night out at Streets BK
I get overwhelmed easily with deadlines. I’m also too hard on myself
Christie recently posted…Frozen Fever New Trailer #CinderellaEvent #FrozenFever
This list is very useful! I am constantly remembering why I started and seeing the “big finish”. Momma motivator I am.
Great tips! I frequently remind myself that the only timeline I’m working from is my own. It’s so easy to feel like I need to do more, build faster, etc. But I just remember that I’m not in a race with anyone but me. :).
Carin Kilby Clark recently posted…Celebrating A Legacy Of Love
I get strength when I am inspired by others doing well and brainstorming with a trusted confidant. Thanks for these tips!
Stacie recently posted…African Inspired Fashion & Gifts
I really like your tips. For me, exhaustion steals my motivation every time. A good night’s sleep, day off, and down time always help restore my focus.
Tammi recently posted…Chic Home Office Resources
You are so right that sometimes you need to take a step back even when you don’t want to. I had to do that last year with something that I was trying to do and it actually wound up being the best decision.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest recently posted…February Birchbox
I think it ends up being a good decision for most of us, even if it doesn’t seem right at the time.
Chrystal | Self Employed Writer recently posted…Work at Your Desk all Day? Get Standing!
This is great encouragement. It is so hard to be everything to everyone. Good tips!
Felicia recently posted…“Curious” What We Are Loving on Netflix This Month?
Sometimes you do just have to take a break and walk away. You are not quitting, you are just taking a breather.
Chrystal | Self Employed Writer recently posted…Finding the Right Tax Filing Status
Clarity is so refreshing! I’m glad you feel renewed and focused!!
Angie recently posted…60th Birthday Gift Ideas!
#1 & #2 are important, especially #2. In the blogging world, readers know when you’re in a rut. Your posts do not come off as genuine. I agree that it’s best to take a break, regroup, and come back better than ever.
Kim recently posted…7 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund to Invest in and Improve Your Blog
Good tips. This is so true. Sometimes you really need to breathe and have fun and not allow what your doing to consume every moment.
Holly recently posted…5 Fun Things To Do In Los Angeles
Great tips. Tip #1 will keep me motivated If I ever come to the point of giving up,and tip #3 will keep me going even when i don’t feel like it anymore.
I’m still trying to find something that zaps me. Two blogs later and I’ve not found it yet :).
Terri Ramsey Beavers recently posted…#PampersSleepChat & Pampers Multi Product Giveaway
Awesome advice! I have learned to walk away recently. I love what I do but I put too much pressure on myself. I’m happy to come across more motivated people though. We all deserve to follow our dreams.
Amby Felix recently posted…BEYOND The God of Patches – Bye Bye Panda Eyes (review)
This is really great. I need this BIG TIME. And I agree walking away for a little helps a lot. I was feeling that way and something as simple as cold to keep me down for 2 weeks helped me greatly. while my head was congested it opened the door for new ideas.
Well first I so appreciate what you’re saying – I had to and still do remind myself about the ‘why’ and my vision – walking away every so often – maybe for a day – or a couple of hours is great for me, also
Donna Ward recently posted…Are You Making These Social Networking Mistakes?
These are great tips. I will have to remember them the next time i need motivation.
I love this post! I especially love the “why” you started. It’s always helpful to remember what brought you to where you currently are, it can help you stay there. Thanks for this!
LaChaya Terry recently posted…Haute Mom’s Have Purpose + Christine St. Vil
Sometimes you have to step back and reassess things. When you come back you are more motivated than ever. That break sometimes is just what you need to refocus your energy on what you love
Kara (Kay’s Ways) recently posted…Pura d’or Argan Oil Premium Organic Shampoo and Conditioner
This is such a great post! I have taken breaks from blogging so many times, and it is always for the better! Thanks for these great reminders!
This is great! I am always telling myself I can do the things I set out to do even if others think I can’t!
lisa recently posted…Tinkerbell And The Legend Of The Neverbeast Story Artist Ryan Green and Animation Supervisor Mike Greenholt interview
I know how hard it can be to get motivated. I try my best to think about why I need to get something done. Exercise is one of the most important ones that I need motivation on. I love to walk, so when the weather is nice outside I’m always motivated to take a walk with my children.
This is so true: walking away will help us focus. I love your tips: motivational
Dogvills recently posted…Easy Easter Dog Treats Recipe for Fido’s Basket
For me, it was my blog. I was totally consumed by it and with the lack of time after a new baby, I had no choice but to walk away. Now that baby girl is older, I can get back to it. Thanks for all the great tips, so helpful.
Being tired is what zaps my motivation! I feel like I have so much on my plate right now and I never get enough rest! But I guess a lot on my plate is a good thing!
Amanda recently posted…I STILL Just Want to Pee Alone. How About You?
Getting too busy and really zap me. If I take a little break then I can get my zeal back again!
Jamie recently posted…A Clean House
Great tips to keep motivated. I would imagine that sometimes even the motivator needs a break. And I like that how you used the word “ally.” I think all moms need an ally to help motivate us! 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Nancy Lustri recently posted…Get Motivated With Lucy Activewear!
Oh yes, I’ve had to walk away from time to time. Motivation is such a struggle sometimes, but remembering why I do what I do does help
Sharon recently posted…A Mad Moms Work Is Never Done…Until She Shares It On Social Media
#1 is the best! Remembering why you started can be so motivating. Love this post <3
Robyn recently posted…EMOTIONAL EATING
These are amazing tips!!! I find that when I hit a road block walking away and taking a break makes a huge difference.
Tammilee Tips recently posted…First look at the Rooms on the brand new Carnival Vista
Great tips. Thank you so much for inspiring us.
Francene Stanley recently posted…Wheat has been in Britain longer than first thought.
Thank you so much for the encouraging post. I think I’m my own worst enemy when it comes to staying motivated to do something. Then I just need to keep things in perspective and usually I can get back on track.
Kori recently posted…Benefits of Exercising
Sometimes we need to heed our own advice, especially when it’s good! Thanks for this post, I needed it this week!
Tara recently posted…Happiness To You and Me
Well I’ll cheer you on too. Best of luck with your eBook and with your continued blogging success. Get it, girl! 🙂
Rosey recently posted…Weekend #Giveaway! Berenstain Bears Book (new release)
Stupid petty politics. That is what sets me back worries about what others do.
Margarita Ibbott recently posted…LinkedMoms & Conceivable Dreams continues the Conversation #OHIP4IVF #Infertility
So true! But I mean you can’t be expected to “be on” all the time.. At least I don’t think so. You are human!
Candy O. recently posted…Thursday Thoughts
Love your honesty and how you keep going even when the challenge is pulling you back. I love your gustiness, you really are a Mama Motivator! This mama is a wee bit burned out tonight, and your post zapped some motivation back into my soul! I read inspiring quotes, I meditate, and jump on my rebounder saying affirmations. Walking away is so important, I find. I get new perspective, I refuel, and if we forget to live, play with our kids, talk with our friends, be with our significant other, or in my case, attract him;-) we actually can lose sight of what we are passionate about. Great post!
Jul’s Arthur recently posted…Clear Magazine Clutter
GOOD FOR YOU! This sh*t is HARD WORK. Love that you keep sight of your goals, you’re on your way for sure.
Karen Yankovich recently posted…How To Find a Hook And How To Use It Right
Thanks for these tips. Staying motivated is hard but we must do it. LOL!
Notorious Spinks recently posted…Recap of the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am Tournament #ATTPROAM #ATTBLOGGER
I’ve noticed that walking away is one of the best things that I’ve ever done for myself. It sometimes gives time to focus on other things like you mentioned and honestly helps me get more motivated.
This is such an awesome post, I can so relate on the motivation front. I found that when I was busy dishing out advice on my blogs I started to forget to use it myself and being a 9-5 person who only has weekends to relax, live life and blog it was hard but i am taking a step back and re-evaluating then will start again.
Myrabev recently posted…{Blogger Support} Top Five (5) Apps
Everyone needs a good pep talk now and again. In fact, I think I could use one soon!
Beth recently posted…March Updates + Meet This Month’s Featured Bloggers!
Yes!!!! I know for me taking a day or two and just not focusing on anything related to my goal…. That little break will have me coming back bigger and stronger and ready to work! Sometimes you just need to breath 😉
First off, Congratulations on your book of poetry! WooHoo! Yes, the secret behind motivating others is that you learn to motivate yourself and it propels you forward. Life has its challenges, and I get up in the the morning and make the best of it. So do you! 🙂
The idea of the big finish is what keeps me going! I would love to envision success more often.
Krystal recently posted…Big Hero 6 Party Ideas