Everything has been cancelled for a while now. A lot of events we looked forward to big and small are just not happening. It’s all for the greater good but still it can dampen some spirits. Especially with Mother’s Day coming up.

My family usually does a nice brunch out. This is the first time in years that I can actually celebrate with my Mom because she moved to California last year. Of course, I can’t be with her now because of social distancing. I’m sure we’ll find a work around that will allow us to be together while apart.
The thing is, just because we can’t physically spend time together, doesn’t mean we can’t connect. Essence Fest, the NBA and birthday parties have been cancelled but we’ve seen how connection still happens. There are drive by birthday celebration and Zoom parties. My kids have had Zoom playdates with their friends. The Zoom isn’t just for the kids though. I’ve had Zoom catch up sessions with friends and a happy hour here and there. We’ve even set up weekly sessions to stay connected. My friend across the country jumped on GoogleHangouts to have a session so our families could see each other. The need for connection is real so these sessions last for a couple of hours every time.
We Can Still Connect
Connection and conversation aren’t cancelled and are needed even more now that we can’t just show up at our friends homes or meet for a quick lunch or late dinner. It’s a great opportunity to just pick up the phone – something most of us have gotten away from. Texting has just been easier but it’s so necessary to hear voices to check on each other – for real. You can hear things you won’t get from a text message.
While there are a lot of things we’ve lost in this time. Let’s be thankful that we’re still here. A lot of us know some people that aren’t. My social media timelines have been showing the realities of what we’re dealing with and how so many people didn’t make it. We’re here. Let’s hold space for gratitude while we mourn losses.
I’m also choosing to look for what we’ve gained. My kids were already close but it seems they’ve gotten closer. Going through a pandemic together with no other kids around will do that. I love that their bond is so much stronger now. Our family bond is tighter as well. We’ve spent nearly two months together without epic blowing ups. Again, gratitude.