Over every Summer, I buy bridge books for my kids to do a bit of school over their break. They call these sessions, Mommy School. My daughter loves it. My son just likes to get it over with. In the books we use, it not only goes over academic lessons but they throw in some for fitness and character building. In one of our Summer sessions, while doing Mommy School with the kids, we came across this character exercise that stuck with me. The lesson said to make a list of ten things to do to calm you when you’re mad. It made me thing of making a list of things to do that make me glad. You know the opposite of mad. I’m calling it my joy list.

I got the kids talking about what would make their list. It was a fun and enlightening discussion. I decided to do the exercise myself. Some things came to me quickly without even really thinking about it. For others I really just decided to sit with myself and really think about it and see what comes up. I have to say, this was a fun exercise to do. It’s also really cool to have a go to happy list. I’m saving mine to the notes in my phone so that it’s easy to access.
When I’m having a particularly interesting day, I will refer to my joy list and grab some glad. Wanna know what’s on my list? Keep reading.
The Joy List
Reading a book in a comfy nook – as much as I love reading, you had to know this would top the list. I have this cushy floor pillow in my office that I use to snuggle up with a book. I light a candle and grab my throw blanket if needed and cozy up for a good read.
Enjoying a cup of my favorite tea (creamy earl grey) Another of my favorite things is tea. I have a whole collection of loose leaf teas and it’s become a ritual for me to brew a cup to start my day. I also brew a cup if I’m in a funk. A nice cup a tea if a perfect remedy for a funky day.
Hearing an old favorite song always puts me in a good mood. While I’m cooking dinner every night, I tend to find a playlist and run with it. It’s usually a mixture of old and new jams. I sing my heart out while cooking. It’s a full on concert, y’all. Thinking back, even as a little girl, music just did something to me. It lifts my mood instantly.
Sunshine does it for me. I guess it’s a good thing I live in sunny Southern California. Sunshine and fresh air makes me happy. If you add in a drive to the ocean, I’m in heaven.
Hanging with my family is always a good time. We laugh a lot around here. What could be better for your mood?
Watching my kids be carefree lights me up. They are growing up so fast. With growing up comes more responsibility. I’m enjoying this time that they have to just be. When they play in the yard, make up games around the house or hop on their bike for a spin around the neighborhood, it makes my heart smile.
Passionate conversations. One thing I loved about college – the conversations. There were people from all over the world on campus with different views and experiences. It made for some really deep and passionate conversations. You always walked away having learned something. That still happens now and then with friends. Most often though, it happens with my son. He’s easing into being a teenager and he has a lot of questions and opinions. I enjoy talking through life with him.
Making progress on a goal is definitely fulfilling. I continue to create goals for myself. Whether it’s trying a new workout program or a new idea for something I’m pursuing. I like to break things down and give myself goals to achieve things.
How about you? What would make it to your joy list?