Everything is already a thing and then someone gives it a name. Let me explain what I mean. It seems as if I come across a lot of self-care content. The algorithms are working, I suppose. Some of the stuff is useful and I can totally relate too. Others, I’m shocked that it’s even a thing. Very recently I read an article about a method of self-care that some people are calling the everything shower. It is just what it sounds like it is. The idea is to make your shower one of purpose where self-care is concerned. It’s been said it helps with stress management and anxiety. How do you do that? I’m glad you asked.

Everything Shower
Well, when you take a shower you’re obviously cleaning your body. That doesn’t have to be where it ends though. Why not throw a mask on or deep condition your hair while you’re at it? Kick it up a notch and exfoliate your body with a nice scrub. Do you see where we’re going here? It’s the everything shower.
The thing about these showers is that it’s something I’ve always done. About twice a week I use a scrub to exfoliate my face. Less often, I’ll use a scrub that smells heavenly to exfoliate my body. I never thought of these practices as really being a thing. Nice to know I’m on the right track though, huh? The shower or bath always seems like a great place to start when you want to add a little more pampering to your life.
If you’re anything like me, your cabinets are filled with products that are just waiting on you to use them. I was even better about putting all of these things to use when we were deep in the pandemic. I can’t keep up that pace now that life is more normal. If you were perhaps looking for a way to squeeze a bit more into your self-care practice. This everything shower is a great place to start. You have to shower anyway. Just adding one more thing into that routine can leave you feeling luxe and a bit more loved – by you.