It’s that time of year again. We’re winding down all the laid-back summer fun and doing the school shopping. The kids will be back in school next week and there are lots of loose ends to tie up. While back to school is like hitting the reset button for them, I like to look at it the same way for myself. While we are jumping back into more routines and the schedule has already picked up, it seems like a great time for a self-care reset.

I’m looking over my self-care routines to see where I can tighten things up. Do I need to do more of something or less of something else? I’ve been pretty consistent over the summer with staying on top of things. When we traveled, it made it harder and so I’m hitting the reset button. While fitness, skincare, and reading will always top the list, I can do more to meet some of my other needs. Here are three ways I’m looking to up my self-care game.
Self Care Reset
Get Outdoors
Lately, I’ve loved getting outside more. I like taking long walks, with some good music or a podcast. Recently, I’ve also been walking with the ladies of GirlTrek. I want to do more outdoors. Whether it’s a walk around my neighborhood, a family hike, or a bike ride – I could use more time outdoors and I’m gonna find ways to make it happen.
More Hobbies
I also realize that my one and only hobby seems to be reading. It’s not that I don’t do other things but I don’t do any of them as consistently as reading. I’d like to change that. Years ago, I bought a candle-making kit. I was inspired by a candle-making class I took some time ago. I plan to crack that kit open and create something that smells divine.
Do All The Things
One thing I’ve realized is that I’d like to be more social. I still haven’t completely bounced back from pre-COVID times when I was much more active. I went to far more events and met up with friends for dinner and girls’ trips. I’m planning to get back to that.
These are areas I know I can be more intentional about hitting the reset button on my self-care routine. What could you do to step up yours?

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