There’s this word we hear all the time. It makes you feel powerful. It implies that nothing phases you. When people use it, we assume they walk through this world setting it on fire. I was all about it too. I was sold on being FEARLESS!
Who doesn’t want to be? Who doesn’t want to walk through life with no fears? How incredibly freeing.
For me, I’ve decided to look at the word a little differently. When you hear the word fearless it just sounds so big. It’s easier to digest when instead of being FEARLESS, I choose to FEAR LESS. Being fearless seems to imply that you have NO fear. I don’t think that’s true of anyone. We’re all afraid of something. It’s human. Choosing to fear less means that I focus on taking on one challenge at a time. There are things that I want to do that scare the crap out of me. I choose to acknowledge my fears and then, take the leap.
Feel the fear. Do it anyway!
It’s still freeing, it’s still scary, it’s still deciding to live life without limits. Goals are still being crushed one by by one. For some reason looking at it this way makes it easier for me.
As you take on your fears, here are a few things to remember:
Acknowledge the fear. Yes, it’s scary! There will be some “can I really do this moments?” Keep going.
Know that you make look silly. That’s always a risk when we try something new. You may look a little less than graceful in the beginning of whatever it is you try. It will get better. Keep going.
Put things in perspective. Are you going to kick yourself later if you don’t kick your fear and step out there. If the answer is yes, keep going!
What’s the worse that can happen? Let this be your mantra when you decide to try something new. Usually the worse that happens is nothing like the worst that we think will happen. Our imaginations create these crazy situations that really never happen. No matter what your imagination tells you, keep going.
You don’t need to be fearless to crush your goals. You just need to fear less.
What’s the biggest roadblock to conquering your fears?

I completely agree. I don’t want to be fearless. I like to feel the fear and overcome it so I know I’ve accomplished something.
This is so true Camesha! I think I’m doing well in this dept.
Candy O recently posted…Five Things You Didn’t Know About Candypo
My biggest fears are failure. If I didn’t push through those roadblocks, I would literally be doing nothing, ever. I don’t really have anything to push me other than idleness.
Heather @ The Nerdy Fox recently posted…Geek Fuel Box Review
Great post. Fear can be a huge roadblock, but it can also serve to keep you focused and careful.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…Dyson Cinetic Big Ball Animal + Allergy Vacuum Available @BestBuy #dysonunfiltered
This is good! It is a hard thing to just decide to be fearless. Great to think I just have to take it a step at a time. Thank you!
Joanna recently posted…Struck Down, But Not Destroyed – Guest Post on
As long as spiders roam the earth, I will never be fearless. BUT is some genius ever finds a way to eliminate them from existence, I might be 🙂
This is such a fresh and fun way to look at it! Maybe being fearful is sometimes a good thing 🙂
Shannon Peterson recently posted…What I Wore // Mama Style ft Firmoo
My biggest roadblock to conquering my fears is thinking about all the possible worst-case scenarios. Even though they’re unlikely, they still hold me back more than I’d like.
It is impossible to be fearless. There is always going to be something we dread. It is what we do with that fear that matters.
Cassie recently posted…Living Proof 5-in-1 Styling Treatment
My biggest fear is not seeing my children grow up. Since I honestly have no control over this, I just do my best to be grateful for every day I am able to spend with them.
Marcie W. recently posted…Novica Blog Contributor – Post Six
This is so awesome. Most days I let my fear take over and it doesn’t help anyone. I don’t think I could ever be fearless but I don’t think that would be too fun anyway!
I have to say I haven’t focused on my fears. I have them but I do not spend much time giving them life so not sure what I want to fear less. Perhaps stepping out on a limb and doing the thing I am meant to do with my life without worrying about compensation and how we will continue to thrive.
Diatta @ Femme Fitale Fit Club recently posted…Meal Mondays: Breakfast Egg Muffins
What great advice about not wanting to be fearless. I can remember my mom telling me she learned to be brave when she had kids – and we definitely tested her courage at times!
Lori Gunn recently posted…Traveling Tuesdays: A Trip to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Fear isn’t always a bad thing. It can protect us from all kinds of things. But it also has the potential to hold us back. I love your take on fearlessness. It’ll be something I remind myself of when I’m fearful.
Crystal recently posted…Anatomy of America’s Most Mouthwatering Mashup
YES!! We have all the power to change our thoughts in a split second! We gotta keep going.
Janelle recently posted…Moms TOP 10 (i)Phone Apps for Your Online Business or Blog On The GO!
Being fearless is not me. My fears keep me going. Fears don’t rule me but push me.
Debbie Denny recently posted…Buy 2 $50 Visa GC at Office Max, get $10 instant rebate! PLUS Giveaway #Omax10
That space in the word makes all the difference in the world, doesn’t it? 🙂 I would like to be fearless in some areas, and I would like to fear less in others. 😉
I am grateful that for most of my life, i have not felt very fearful…but always a sense that no matter what was happening, that it too was for a reason, would pass and i would get through it.
and so i like the word fearless and for me it never meant that i don’t fear anything it means that i am going to tackle whatever full steam ahead.
Jaye@Curvatude recently posted…{Life} A Woman of Change #NaBloPoMo #womenslives
I love this post! Fear is ever present. We just have to learn how to recognize it and not let it control us.
Melissa Pezza recently posted…Help Hungry Kids with Snacks for Students!
I can’t explain it, but the biggest roadblock to facing my fear is ME! That little voice in my head that tells me to stay in my comfort zone.
I think failure holds me back. I don’t want to let anyone down
Christie recently posted…JCPenney Glam Ball | How to Get Red Carpet Ready #CinderellaEvent
Great advice! I think a roadblock for me can sometimes be wanting to make something perfect before showcasing it, or being fully prepared before trying something new. Then I always remember that God didn’t create me with a spirit of fear, so I just have to go for it!
Kasi recently posted…Black + White
This is powerful stuff. It is not easy being a mom and having to uphold the dreams of everyone around you. Sometimes we need a boost as well.
Cia | recently posted…Meet The Parents. 4 Signs You’re Ready
“Fear Less” I love that because being fearless can be dangerous too. Thanks for the sound advise.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…Ahoy Matey, Here Comes the Pirate
I want to overcome my fears. I usually do this by jumping into whatever it is I fear!
lisa recently posted…Tinkerbell And The Legend Of The Neverbeast Review #NeverbeastBloggers
Definitely love the quote by Victoria Roth. If only we can stand and steer FEAR in the face and tell it exactly where to go.
Kimberly Bolden recently posted…Quick To Listen & Slow To Speak – Part 3
I am the biggest obstacle to accomplishing my goals. And I know that. I get in my own way ALL THE TIME. LOL. I’m working on it though!
LaShawn recently posted…Print out Your Photos with Montage Photobooks
This was so awesome! I never thought of it that way! Thanks for such great thoughts on being Fear LESS!
I think a little fear is a good thing, I think a no fear is just plain dumb because that’s when people start making mistakes! Great post!!
Ricci recently posted…WILW: Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter
I really needed this today. Sometimes the fear of exploring new territory can be daunting. The fear of doing something wrong can be an intimidating roadblock.
Liz Mays recently posted…What Is March Madness?
I think our fears motivate us to be better. That is always important to succeed!
I love this. It’s absolutely right. Fearless is not what we should be striving for.
Nina Say recently posted…Strawberry-Banana Nutella Cookies Recipe
Oh I love it! It’s not about being fearless, it’s about fearing less 🙂
I also agree when you ask yourself “what’s the worst that could happen?” I find myself asking the same question in similar situations. Lovely article!
victoria recently posted…10 Effective Writing Strategies for Starting a Writing Habit
Yeah I can’t imagine a life with no fear, we all fear something. The loss of a loved one, losing your job, etc. But I do like the idea of conquering your fears for things that make you feel empowered when you do.
Colleen recently posted…Tips for Growing Your Hair Longer
my biggest roadblock to conquering fear is acknowledging I am afraid. Once I do that, I can take steps to over come it.
This is a great article. I never want to be fearless because a small bit of fear is good for everyone.
OurFamilyWorld recently posted…DIY Decorative Easter Straw Centerpiece Home Decor Project
What an inspiring post!! I completely agree with you…in my opinion, fear = failure!
Lisa @bitesforbabies recently posted…Southwestern Quinoa Stuffed Peppers
Is there anyone without fears? I think fear is part of our DNA already! We cannot run away from it.
I completely agree. Fear is a double edged sword. As much as we don’t want to feel it, we NEED to feel it.
Echo recently posted…{Almost} Wordless Wednesday with Snow!
There is no better feeling then overcoming fears, it’s a huge accomplishment!
touristmeetstraveler recently posted…Queens, New York – Historical Sites, Secrets, and Unique Experiences
I don’t know if I any fears currently blocking me. But I agree about fearing less.
Beth@FrugalFroggie recently posted…How do you save money on your groceries?
I absolutely love this! It is so important honor your feelings both good and bad. Thats the only way to make actual improvements in your life.
Angelica recently posted…The Single Girl Travels: Napa Wine Tasting Adventures
The biggest roadblock I used to have was flying. I finally took the plunge and took a couple of flights. I’m trying to figure out what I need to face next.
Terri Ramsey Beavers recently posted…Koyto Sports Yoga Socks
Yes!!!! People absolutely mix up what “fearless” means. The fear will NEVER go away. In the book I co-authored with my sister she said: Being fearless means that you fear LESS that which you don’t know, than you do dying without ever have using your gift to light up the world.
Christine @MomsNCharge recently posted…Motivational Monday: Be Willing Not Perfect
Great post. I never really looked at fear in this way before, sometime fear can be used in a positive light, to help you get through something or pass that exam, test, interview etc. e.g fear of failure.
Oh I know that I’m my biggest road block. There’s just a certian point that I won’t move beyond but I’m working on it.
Ashleigh Walls recently posted…Help Korey Meet Dory-Sensory Processing Awareness
I like your choices for the word fearless – being less fearful and having faith – faith in our Higher Power yes – and faith that we have and will learn to do what is needed for ourselves and others. As, Christine also said, to use our gift to light up the world. Beautiful post and on target!
Donna Ward recently posted…Want The Shocking Truth About Your Blog?
“Feel the fear and do it anyway” is on of my favorite quotes. I agree everyone has fear and like you I am focusing being Fear Less and giving myself permission to make mistakes and learn from them. Great post!
I face my fears, if there’s a roadblock, I tell myself that every problem has a solution.
Love it! It’s not about being fearless, it’s about feeling that fear and Doing it Anyway! Great words.
All of my fears have to do with the safety and well-being of my daughter and my family. So I am working on not letting the fear rues our lives.
Mistee Dawn recently posted…Who is the MVP in your house?! #PurinaMVP
I have no clue what the biggest thing is that could be holding me back. Maybe it’s just getting out of my comfort zone…I don’t know
Sharon recently posted…Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places
I agree, I do not want to be fearless because I think it takes some of the excitement out of life. It is about how you control and face that feat that is important.
Yes. yes. 1000x yes! I love this so much!
Erin recently posted…The Unveiled Wife {a review & giveaway}
I agree, acting like we are tough doesnt always do everyone around us good. Its good to be able to reflect to become stronger, not just moving past and ignoring!
Same here!! I think if I were to be fearless… Nothing would be exciting anymore! Olive a good challenge 😉
I love this way of looking at fear! I have to work on fearing some things less! Great lesson!
Jamie recently posted…Children’s Memories
I love that line “Feel the fear. Do it anyway!” because sometimes my self doubt gets in the way. I’m going to use that saying as a mantra to nudge me forward.
Jennifer recently posted…Visiting My Fit Foods in Sherman Oaks
Worrying too much is my roadblock, I guess. But I’m proud to say that I’ve conquered a lot of my fears despite being a worry-wart. 🙂
Lynndee recently posted…The Birth of a Rocker
I remember when I was a kid there was a story about a girl who was fearless and I always wanted to be like that. But back then my biggest fear was failing my math test lol.
Roselynn recently posted…Zoya Giveaway Fiesta!
I am my own worst enemy. I have let my fear of the extra weight I have gained hold me back from truly living life. I am trying to feel better about myself and change that, but its really hard.
Chrystal @ YUM eating recently posted…Freebie Friday : #Free Trials from ALOHA
This is so true! Sometimes it’s fear that pushes us forward. There’s no challenge without resistance.
Paula Schuck recently posted…Guinness Inspired Recipes
Such an awesome post! You are so inspirational and I love your message!
kendall recently posted…Bedroom Update + Apple Green Inspiration
Awesome! I love this – fear LESS! Going for it! TY!
Marvelyne recently posted…Eight Things to Do On Valentine’s Day When You’re Single
I think i am my biggest road block when it comes to fear. I think about things to much and talk myself out of things.
I couldn’t agree more i too choose to be fear less and acknowledge what scares the bejesus out of me but keep going anyway
I love how motivational and positive this is! Sometimes you have to do things even if you’re scared.
I like your take on being fear less because no one should be fearless really. A healthy dose of fear is good for you in my opinion.