Not long after making the move to Los Angeles, I was trying to get my foot in the door of the entertainment industry. I was had joined a number of organizations and had met people who worked behind the scenes. Those connections landed me at an event with Tia + Tamera Mowry (beyond sweet ladies) and Shonda Rhimes, among others. Tia + Tamera spoke in unison often and were very down to earth and gracious. Shonda was bit more closed. Not in a bad way, but kind of shy. It’s understandable. Everyone wanted to talk to her. Grey’s Anatomy was everybody’s favorite show and people were coming up left and right to tell her about it. From the outside looking in, I was overwhelmed for her. Still, she was nice and made sure to speak to us all.
The other day, I was reading O Magazine. I think it was her “what I know for sure” feature. It was a small article about Shonda Rhimes. She’s come a long way from when I first met her. She’s pretty much taken over TV with all of her super popular shows. On top of being a mom (of three), she’s got three big shows and more on the way. I can’t even imagine what a day in her life looks like! Meeting her made an impact on me as a woman trying to make my way in an industry where she was already making waves. It was a look at what was possible and encouragement for me to keep pushing. I did. It paid off.
In the article, she talked about being an introvert. That totally made sense based on my meeting her. We have that in common. 🙂 She also talked about her new book that was inspired by her “year of yes”. She decided to say yes to every unexpected invitation offered to her for a whole year. It opened up a new world and made a huge impact in every area of her life. Her book, the Year of Yes is about that experience.
That’s kinda how it all starts, right? The whole road to happiness really starts with one yes. The first yes is a big one too. Saying yes to being happy is what gets the ball rolling. I’ve been saying yes to a few things myself. From a vlog and a webinar to a haircut.I’ve been trying new things and feeling lighter for it. I’ve talked to people who are terrified of being in front of the camera who are jumping on Periscope after reading about my vlog experience. That’s the other thing about saying yes, it’s contagious! One small yes can be just the thing to convince someone else to make a big leap. It also helps you realize that you may have been missing out on some things along the way. I’ve been inspired to continue to say yes to things that turn my stomach upside down with nerves! It doesn’t just have to be things that scare us though. Just saying yes to a new experience can be a game changer. It certainly was the case for Shonda Rhimes. Me, too.
Tell me, what was the last thing you said YES to?

I have been trying to take chances more lately. It’s not easy for me because I am not a big fan of change.
I say yes to big things like travel all the time. I need to work on saying yes to the scarier little things.
Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle recently posted…7 Things You Need for the Perfect Fall Picnic
The last thing I said yes to that I probably wouldn’t have this time last year was participating in a live cook-off. My team ended up winning and I scored my first live appearance on local tv!! I’m so glad that I did it. My next move is to say yes to a food photography class because my food photography needs quite a bit of work.
K. Elizabeth @ YUMMommy recently posted…Live Love Lead: Your Best Is Yet To Come!
I try to say yes to more and more things! I feel a lot more bold now than before I had kids I am not sure what changed, but it’s for the better for sure!
Jeanette recently posted…Creamy Chicken, Tomato and Penne Bake
The last time I said yes was to a career changing move that helped me strike out on my own. I am trying to build my own freelance business & take calculated risks. I heard about Shonda’s new book & I can’t wait to read it! I remember being wowed by her commencement speech that she gave a few years back at an East Coast University. She is SO inspiring!
Jennifer recently posted…101 Movies to See Before You Grow Up Is a Must-Read!
The last thing I said yes to was a new hair color and style! And I am so glad I did. It is nice to say yes!
lisa recently posted…STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS – New Trailer Now Available!!!
I love the idea of saying yes to unexpected invitations. What a great challenge and a great way to open doors of opportunity.
this is such a great post! very inspiring! im an introvert too and relate!
I have been trying to say yes more to living in the moment I tend to worry about stuff that is out of my control.
I am so envious you met Shonda Rhimes!!
That’s so cool! I love Shonda Rhymes!!
How awesome!! I love Shonda and all of her shows!! Jealous!! 🙂
ricci recently posted…The Nightingale
I am a huge fan of Shonda. Reading that article also motivated me. I said YES to focusing on my business and my blog. I would hold myself back with all the reasons why I could not do it and now I am saying YES you can!
Opportunity only knocks once. This is so true. I say yes to things that I know in my gut would be a great chance for me to improve my life. I wish I could have met Shonda Rhimes too. She is one awesome woman!
Annemarie LeBlanc recently posted…Disney Unveils ‘Frozen’ Themed Airplane – WestJet Aircraft Features Elsa, Anna, and Olaf
I love your hair, it is gorgeous! MUst be nice to meet someone you admire. I too is a bit of an introvert.
Chubskulit Rose recently posted…An Old Friend’s Grandbaby
I know I have heard her name before but wasn’t sure who she was. Her book sound interesting though, I will have to check that out!
Melissa recently posted…DIY Purse from Skirt Upcycle
I love trying out new things, so I always say yes to big things. It must have been so nice to meet her.
I recently just said yes to getting hair cut. Ugh, was scared though because it was longer.
I love hearing about your experiences. Living in the moment truly creates memories of the heart!
I would love to have the chance to meet Shonda Rhimes. I have been trying to push myself to try new things at least once a month.
I’ve been working on putting myself out there more. I’m a totally introvert and it takes a lot for me to come our of my shell. Love that you got to meet her!
Videos is one of those things that I can’t seem to get the courage up to do so!! This article is very inspiring! I may just have to say yes!
Jenn recently posted…Welcome to the Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show! #Streamteam
That’s good that she’s come so far. Her kids are lucky too, sounds like their security is set. 🙂
Saying yes can be scarey. I have made big changes in my world and am seeing a future I like.
Tami recently posted…Literacy Musing Mondays #linkup
I love this post! I said “yes” to pursuing my dreams and doing what I love versus going back to Corporate America after being laid off. Since launching my business I’ve been saying yes more often and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Shonda is an inspiration and I love that she’s dominating Thursday nights by having 3 shows back to back. I look forward to reading her book. #BLMgirls
Life is most definitely about talking chances!
I’m also an introvert and it’s sometimes shocking when I read about celebrities that are introverts. There are more of us around than one would think 😉 I’m also a huge Shonda fan!
Shannon Ketchum recently posted…Banana Bread w/ Toasted Walnuts & a Touch of Cinnamon
I LOVE Shonda Rhimes and I want to get this book. I am putting it on my Christmas list. I need to say YES to me more. I’m always putting myself last.
Tatanisha W recently posted…Roasted Chicken & Vegetables over Cheesy Broccoli Rice
The last thing I said yes to was doing a guest blog post on a topic I do not usually write about. A very personal blog post. Thank you for writing this post. What do you do in the entertainment industry??
That’s great! Those personal posts challenge us the most.
I was a TV producer until recently.
I said yes to finally launching a blogging eCourse. I swear a bunch of yes’s and no’s is what has gotten me this far.
Jonna recently posted…Fall Style | Hooded Sweater + Vintage Wool Blazer
It’s cool that you got to meet her. I would have never guessed she was an introvert.
Stacie recently posted…Farm House Fresh Spiced Rum & Bunny Slippers Holiday Cozy Candle
I need to say yes to more things that makes me uncomfortable… like Periscope.
Nicole (Nicole’s Lifestyle Lounge) recently posted…Style Trend: Make a Statement in Graphic Tees
This was a good piece. You for sure have to open yourself up and be ready for new adventures by saying yes. I’m currently investing a lot into a travel app with my business partner and it was scary to agree to the venture, but anything worth having is work right.
Nicole recently posted…Orientalâs Sala Rim Nam Restaurant Thailand Review
I love this, very inspiring for sure. I recently said yes to Periscope after only watching other people’s scopes. I’m glad I did, it help me find my passion.
Mimi Green recently posted…SOAR Retreat Recap
I read that O Mag piece also and I thought bravo for her. There is so much power, as you mention in just being open to new things and stepping outside of yourself. Kudos to you.
That’s so cool. I’m a sort-of introvert myself. The last thing I said yes to was for myself in deciding to travel solo. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made.
Joanna recently posted…Aquafari Underwater Tour
I am an introvert and often an over thinker. These two things get in the way of yes. I’m working on it.
Chasing Joy recently posted…Baby Making Update: Acupuncture for Fertility
I am an introvert as well and am uncomfortable with change, but lately I have been broadening my horizons and saying YES to myself more.
Valerie recently posted…[Health & Wellness] Let’s Chat: Mental Health
You always just have to put your best foot forward and give it ago.
Holly recently posted…One Day Offline: A Break From Technology
I think it’s amazing that you met Shonda Rhimes, Tamera Mowry-Housely, and Tia Mowry-Hardrict. I’ve been saying yes to more product reviews. Even things that I thought I would never review.
Katherine G recently posted…4 Signs That Your Child Is Being Bullied
Love this post! I’ve been learning to say yes to myself more as well, especially when it comes to my blog. I’m determined to finish this year off strong and try to stray away from my inconsistent ways
Kara (Kay’s Ways) recently posted…Colourpop Ultra Matte Lip | Review + Swatches
Keep making bold moves, queen! You are worthy!