Exercise is number one in my self care arsenal. In the morning, I’d like to get up and work out before the kids get up. When I make that happen, the whole day flows better. I am more focused and better able to help them with virtual school. It works because my mind is clear and I feel taken care of. Now, how many times this happens lately, is a whole other story. The self care struggles are real!

I have been struggling for one reason or another to get going before the kids. It seems like I’m up just in time to have breakfast with them and then dive into distance learning. I end up having to wait to nearly the end of the day to focus on myself. It’s frustrating because my mood is so much better after a good sweat session. I’d love to get that feel good going earlier. It’s still a goal. I’ll get there. If you’re anything like me, your self care has been thrown off by the whole epic pandemic life.
If you were lacking in self care and boundaries before – you are definitely struggling now. Having to prioritize yourself through a stressful situation is never easy. I think this qualifies as a stressful situation, right? Still, self care is a must if we are going to get through this sane and in one piece. Self care in normal times looks a bit different than what we’re up against now. For many of us, self care could have meant a trip to the salon or the spa or even the gym. Many of those things are still closed. Even if they are open, it doesn’t mean we are rushing to make appointments.

There are simple things we can do to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. I created a challenge that lasts for 5 days. It’s called Breathe. I created it as a self care jump start for Moms. I wanted us to be moved to be more intentional about our self care. Sign up here, it’s FREE. As Moms, we do all the things for everyone else. That doesn’t stop because of a global pandemic. Let’s take small steps to make sure we’re continuing to make ourselves a priority. Be well.