A week ago, I had two wisdom teeth removed. I had it done on a Friday and figured I’d rest over the weekend and be better by the time my husband went back to work on Monday. Well, it didn’t go as planned. The dentist had to crack my bone to get one of my teeth out and that made my healing torture! I’m still healing.

This experience has taught me that I need to know when to give myself a break. With my jaw throbbing, my teeth feeling like they were shaking in my head, I was still trying to work. At night, I would sit at this laptop frustrated with myself that I couldn’t focus. I wanted so badly to stay on top of the schedule I’d set for myself. Really, I was crazy! It took a friend to remind me to take it easy on myself. I needed to rest. Working was only making me feel worse. I couldn’t be so focused on creating my future and ignoring my present pain.

iPhone May dump 147Sometimes we have to know when to say when. I wasn’t doing that. My body forced me to check myself. I think it’s common among women, especially moms. We push forward hard while downplaying what may be going on with us. I was busy making my kids a priority. I was doing drop-off,  pick-up, packing lunches, play dates and mommy and me classes while being in extreme pain. My kids got what they always get from me. I did have a day or two in there where they watched more TV than they should have. I was wiped out and couldn’t do more in that moment. I think that’s the day it started sinking in for me that my balance was thrown off. I forgot about putting the oxygen mask on myself first. I made sure the kids were good but I was struggling. I had nothing left to give when it was time for me to work.

I decided to stop trying. I had to give myself some grace and just shut this computer off. Instead of trying to write posts and finish books and structure marketing plans – I took my sick behind to bed! It’s so simple but it took extreme pain for me to see it. Taking the pressure off of myself to be superwoman was freeing. I so believe in taking a step closer to your dream everyday. I keep that firmly in the front of my mind. So much so, that I have a hard time taking a day off of dream building.

Here’s the deal, my dreams don’t work without me. I’ve learned to do as much dream building as self loving. One without the other doesn’t work.

I’ll be getting back to me soon enough. I’ll just keep this in my back pocket as a lesson learned.

How do you balance taking care of yourself with taking care of everyone else?


36 Comments on It took extreme pain but, lesson learned

  1. I had all four of my wisdom teeth out two years ago. The top two were just puled, but the bottom two were impacted, and had to be cut out and the jaw broken. Invest in a mortar and pestle, and crush up those monster pills! I mixed mine in applesauce and took them that way. WAY easier.
    Isabella Grey recently posted…I Graduated…Whoopie…My Profile

  2. I hope this works I’ve tried to comment 3x now!:(

    I hope you feel better quickly! Mouth and tooth pain is the WORST!

    It’s so important to know our limits, I’m just finding this out now myself!

    • Oh, I really appreciate you and your persistence. Thanks! I do feel much better now. Too bad I had to learn the hard way when to sit my behind down! 🙂

  3. I’m definitely still working on the whole taking-care-of-myself thing as well. I’m a go-go-go kinda gal so when I don’t have a million things to do I feel like I’m wasting my time and sometimes I get so busy I don’t take the time to do things for myself. Like eat >.<

    This is a very important lesson to learn and thank you for reminding me to keep working on that balance!
    Kayla @ TheEclecticElement recently posted…Gluten Free Paleo Friendly 3 Ingredient Pancakes RecipeMy Profile

  4. I do not balance it. Last night was my daughter’s Pre-K graduation and I totally lost it! I was trying so hard to get all the family and friends there on time that I busted out in tears when my camera misfired on a great photo. I realized that I am so hell-bent on taking care of everyone else that I get to the breaking point- and it is not pretty!
    Carly Bellard recently posted…Autism Awareness Jewelry *Giveaway and Coupon Code from ICandyCrystalsMy Profile

  5. I make sure I get my workouts in. Then I do take time to read a book or go to bed early at least once a week.

  6. I certainly hope you are feeling better! I love your comparison to the “oxygen mask” with taking care of yourself first to properly take care of others…I make sure to have some “me” time first thing upon waking, and right before bed, to ensure that my day begins and ends with self-care…different routines depending on if I’m first waking or getting to bed, with same objective…to decompress and just be with me!
    Stacey recently posted…Friday’s Food for Focus: How To Keep The A.N.T.S Away At Your Picnic on Memorial Day!My Profile

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