**I have to thank you ALL for last week’s post! I shared and you gave it right back. It is a pleasure getting to know you! That has to be my favorite post so far! On to today’s post! 🙂 **
Since the passing of Dr. Maya Angelou, her quotes have been posted everywhere. From Twitter to Facebook, my newsfeed and timeline has been filled with everyone’s favorite quotable from her. Like everyone else, I definitely have my favorites. There are actually too many to list here. I came across this one a couple of days ago. I’m not sure I’d heard anyone mention it before.
It sounds great! I think I immediately re-tweeted, liked it and copied it to encourage myself later. It was just the thing I needed to keep me motivated that everything I wanted was mine. I only needed to ask. Whoot whoot!
I took another look at the quote though. When looking at it again, I saw it differently. I saw the work behind this quote that I didn’t see the first time *tire screech*. The thing is, I took this and ran with at first. It’s easy to just see the surface of it. We ask for what we want and just wait. Boom! That thing I asked for appears. Nice! But I couldn’t stop there. Oh no! I couldn’t let it be pretty and magical. I had to take it a step further. Ugh!
When I looked at it again, the quote had a different meaning. My guess is the the intent of this quote is to remind us to do the work.
This spoke to me so much as a mama! I have a million things I want to do and pursue. It seems like having babies only made that number multiply. This quote is a reminder to me. The life I want, the passion in my belly and the dream I can’t shake – they take work! <– {tweet this} Once I’ve done the work though, it’s as simple as making the request and it’s mine. It’s that whole idea of luck. It’s really preparation and opportunity meeting, right? Not exactly hocus pocus, but still so worth it!
Had you heard this quote before? What passion are you working on?

I love Mama Maya! She is the Queen Midas of words. Everything she said was golden. I’m a firm believer in doing the work required to seeing your dreams come true and trusting God for the rest.
I’ve really enjoyed reading more quotes from Maya Angelou since her passing. (I once heard her in person. She was amazing.) I definitely think that I can obtain what I ask for – as long as I’m willing to put in the work. I don’t think it’s all luck. (Though, maybe I lucked out with my current job, which is a long blog post in itself.) 🙂
Jaime recently posted…Blogging Concentrated…and why you should attend #bloggingcon
Maya was an amazing woman and it’s funny how sometimes when you give something a second look you see things completely differently!
Robin (Masshole Mommy) recently posted…The Newport Cliff Walk – Newport, RI
I have not heard of this quote before but it makes perfect sense both ways that you look at it.. My passion right now is to just live each day and try to be the best I can be.
That is interesting to see both perspectives of your take on the quote. 🙂 My mom always said, ‘God helps those who help themselves.’ And to some extent that’s the same. 🙂
Rosey recently posted…Saint Joseph, Michigan
Such a great quote! A good reminder that we might not actually want what we think we do!
Shell recently posted…OREO Soccer Cookie Balls and #PassTheLove Giveaway
My passion I’m working on…..it’s finishing my graduate degree!
Elizabeth @ Food Ramblings recently posted…Tomato and Zucchini Gratin {Secret Recipe Club}
We are privileged to have had Maya Angelou share her great insight and inspire us.
Beth@FrugalFroggie recently posted…The Crockin’ Girls Cream Cheese Chicken
So very true. We have to ask and we have to work. Maya Angelou was an amazing woman and left such a legacy.
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? recently posted…8 things I said I would never do, and then became a mom
Great take on that quote. She was a wonderful brave woman.
Debbie Denny recently posted…“Remember the Removal” Bike Ride commemorating Trail of Tears!
I always heard it as be careful what you wish for! I always try to take the “tricky genie” into consideration when asking for what I want!
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama recently posted…World of Coke’s New Explorer App is Lots of Summer Fun!
Beautiful quote! I’m working on starting my own business. Let’s see what happens!
krystalskitsch recently posted…Aqua Home Decor | Add Flair to Your Home With Kalaty Rugs
She was truly inspiration. This is a beautiful quote and a nice reminder that we must work for what we want.
Becca @ Mama B recently posted…5 Tips to Surviving Allergy Season with Angel Soft
I recently heard a pastor say that we shouldn’t ask for deliverance from what is the answer to last weeks prayer. We have to be prepared to get what we ask for.
Virginia @thatbaldchick recently posted…The Road to Living Debt Free
maya angelou was such an inspiring woman. so wise. i hadn’t thought about this having another meaning until you said it but now i’m totally seeing it in a new light. i love how she provoked thinking!
brett recently posted…20 Weight Watchers Appetizers
I hadn’t heard this quote before. I love it as well and the photo is fantastic! Right now I am working on trying to take hold of my finances and be more successful in general, spiritually, as a wife, as a Mom, and so on. I am trying to manage my time better and live more purposefully.
Oh wow, you’re so right. I looked at it like you did the first time. But you have to be prepared to do the work!
Melissa recently posted…Enter to win a Nickelodeon Summer DVD Prize Pack!
Her quotes have such rich layers, don’t they? She was quite a lady!
Liz Mays recently posted…Easy Party Planning #PartyBlooms
She was an inspiration to many. She will be missed.
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick recently posted…Start Your Summer With Healthy Pumpkin Waffles #PumpkinCan
I have not heard of this quote before but I like it. I take this quote as meaning…if you are going to ask and want for something and you receive it, you better darn well be ready for it and take advantage of it. Don’t blow it. You will only get that one chance.
She was an inspiration to so many people.I love this quote its the best way to look at things with a positive attitude.Positivity gets you everywhere.
Kay Adeola recently posted…Shrimps,shrimps,shrimps
I haven’t read this quote before but love it. Reminds me of what they say…be careful of what you pray for because you could get it.
Marina recently posted…How to throw a Disney Cars themed party at school. (3 musts!)
I love Maya. I hadn’t heard this quote before, but it is so rich!
Kathy recently posted…The Baby Tree ~ Where do Babies Come From?
Hmm… very thought provoking. I haven’t heard this quote of hers before, but I like it!
Emily recently posted…Snickers and Caramel Apple Dip
I love that quote from Maya Angelou. I will have to commit that one to memory.
Chrysa recently posted…Maleficent Cupcakes with Horns Inspired by Disney
I’ve learned so much more about Maya Angelou since her passing then I did my whole life. Such an inspirational woman!
Krissy recently posted…TWIX Bites Blended Treats
That’s a great quote, I look at it two ways. One way I look at is, ‘be careful what you ask for’ and the other way I look at it is, ‘you’re going to have to work for what you want’.
Maya was indeed a special woman of wisdom. I love that quote you featured
Maya has had some really amazing quotes that have been flying around lately. Great to see how she;s inspired so many!
Christie recently posted…I’m Growing Some “Boom” with Angie’s Boomchickapop #GrowSomeBoom
What a great quote. It’s like the saying be careful what you wish for, it might come true….and you need to be prepared to handle it!
Debra recently posted…Sounding Good For Father’s Day – Sol Republic Master Tracks Headphones Review & Giveaway
Awe, great post. I enjoy Maya’s quotes and her words of wisdom. That woman will truly be missed. Great quote, it means a lot.
Janel (A Mom’s Take) recently posted…4th of July Patriotic Flag Wreath Tutorial
I love all of the quotes that people are sharing in the wake of Maya’s sad passing. Thank you for this – work is an important component that cannot be overlooked.
Autumn recently posted…6 Tips For Visiting Hurricane Harbor With Kids!
Brilliant woman ahead of her time. Such a sad loss.
Jessica (Savory Experiments) recently posted…Wednesday Roundup #28
I’ve heard this quote before. I’m working on building my coaching business so I can kiss corporate America goodbye forever.
Such a great quote. She was a great lady and her quotes will live on for sure
mary recently posted…Get Rewarded to Shop! Nielsen Homescan has opened enrollment
There are so many times when I will read a quote and not think twice about it. Then something will happen that has me applying it to my current situation.
I hadn’t heard this one before, but I really like it. She had such amazing and inspirational quotes that will definitely keep her memory alive for many, many years to come.
Theresa recently posted…Thrill Seekers Rejoice At Cedar Point! #BloggingAtCP
That is actually one of my favorite quotes of hers. I plan on putting it on a wall in my boys room when we move them in together!
Emily recently posted…Happy 5th Birthday To My Son!
Maya Angelou was such an inspiration to so many. Thanks for sharing her quote.
Dawn recently posted…10 Frugal Father’s Day Gift Ideas That Say It All
What a beautiful quote. I definitely agree with Maya. She was a wise woman.
Toni recently posted…Take Maleficent Home With You With The New Maleficent Product Line #MaleficentEvent
That is a great quote….words to live by. Maya was a special human being.
StacieinAtlanta recently posted…Party Planning Fun with @ProFlowers & @Evite + Win Flowers! #PartyBlooms
I have a third meaning for this. Ask what you want, and be prepared to get it. It’s not always as pleasant as we think, it’s not always pure happiness. Sometimes getting what we ask is the worst thing that can happen to us.
I love this quote. To me it means to ask for what you want, do the work to get it done and prepare for when it happens. Without the prep there is no place for what you want to happen.
Michelle Christopher recently posted…5 Ways You Can Show Compassion Today
There are some great quotes in here. I especially like the last one that you urge us to tweet the best.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest recently posted…May Beauty Favorites
I absolutely love this quote. And, you’re so right..when you have a dream in your heart, it takes both faith and work to make it come true.
Thank you so much for that reminder.
My main passion is building a business. It’s definitely been a long journey, but totally worth it!
Jennifer Kennedy recently posted…It’s My Blog Anniversary + We’re Celebrating
Love that quote Camesha (and how you designed it!). Maya overcame so much, becoming an inspiration to countless women and men. I think what drew others to her was her unwavering belief that society, and people on a whole, can become more – better, wiser, more giving and she worked tirelessly towards that end. May we never forget her legacy.
I love her quotes. She was wise beyond her years. I’m working on going on our 21st anniversary date! 🙂
I think that this is an awesome quote. It really is inspiring. I read it and I was like yep that’s exactly what I intend to do. It makes me want to go put things into action. Thanks for sharing it.
Katherine G From La La Land Mommy recently posted…Great Dads Deserve To Be Honored On Father’s Day