Just Push


This week is special for me. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something I’ve never done before. I have been putting off being in front of a camera forever. I’ve had a ton of reasons. It went from me being nervous to me just not wanting to do it. I figured if I did it, it had to be perfect. I’ve spent my career producing television and wanted to produce the heck out of a vlog. Never mind that I don’t have an editor and professional equipment at the ready like I did at work. Just push play to check out my first (but not last) vlog! Whoot!

Movie on 8-24-15 at 3.25 PM from Camesha Gosha on Vimeo.

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[ctt title=”Magic happens right outside of your comfort zone. Three EASY steps to move beyond yours. ” tweet=”Magic happens right outside of your comfort zone. Three EASY steps to move beyond yours. @CameshaGosha http://ctt.ec/CO798+” coverup=”CO798″]

1. Identify the fear. What is it you fear doing and why? Is it holding you back in some way? If it is. All the more reason to conquer it. If it isn’t, all the more reason to conquer it. See there’s no out here. Once you figure that out you’re halfway there.Time to push through it.

2. Tell someone that you plan to do something about it. There’s that whole accountability coming into play. If you tell someone, they’re bound to ask you about it.

3. Just do it! You’ve figured out what it is, why you’re not doing it. What it’s costing you and what it isn’t costing you. Now do it.

In the comments, I want you to tell me what it is you’re going to do. Tell me one thing that you’re going to do that’s totally out of your comfort zone. I wanna know.



68 Comments on Just Push Play

  1. Congrats on the Vlog. Last time I flew was about 10 years ago and we had a horrible experience. I told my husband that I would never fly again. If we can’t drive I am not going. Last week a booked a ticket to fly to CT so I can go to NYC with some friends. I decided that I wasn’t going let fear keep me from having fun.

  2. Good for you Camesha! You took that leap and kept going. I’ve considered doing a vlog too but not yet. Kudos! 🙂

  3. Well, congratulations to you! Being camera shy is my issue as well. Although the tips that you have here are very helpful.

  4. This weekend I am attending my first ever blog conference, something I’ve avoided thus far due to a lingering discomfort with basically being dropped in the middle of the unknown with all strangers.

  5. Congrats on your vlog!, I’m so glad that you have done this and thank you for the advice.

  6. I’m learning how to add blogs and pictures to WordPress. I did a bit a couple of years ago, but didn’t like all the html code. This week, I’m determined to get started on this ability. Congratulations on the Vlog.

  7. Congratulations dear! Well, I’ve also trying to make one but can’t still figure it out. Great job on stepping out your comfort zone.

  8. I have been trying to push myself this year. I try to do at least one thing new each month. It has been a great adventure so far.

  9. I don’t have anything currently, but I did have a fear of flying. But I decided this year after hearing that I was not being offered opportunities because they knew I didn’t want to fly, I was willing to do it. Once I made that decision and prayed on it, my fear subsided and I’ve flown 6 times already this year! And I LOVE IT! So mad that I’ve been missing out all this time.
    Jonna recently posted…7 Secrets to Grow Your Instagram FollowingMy Profile

  10. I know exactly how you feel as I also work in the same field. You want the vlogs to lives up to the production level you are used to producing. I felt the same way, but it doesn’t have to be as perfect as that and I think you did great. Keep it up and just capture the true essence of you.

  11. That’s exciting that you accomplished your goal doing a vlog! I’m not a mom, but found you on Blogger’s Corner and liked your topic and wanted to share my most recent blog post with you also as a chance to see what things matter to both of us.


    What I’m going to do over the next week to step out of my comfort zone is to reach out to at least 20 people and introduce my blog work to them. Sometimes, I write and don’t have time to reach out exchange our ideas and it’s because it seems like something outside of my comfort zone to get to know others online and find a way to introduce each other to each other’s interests.

    Thanks for the motivation!

    Cheers, Maria

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