I saw these prompts on Mama Kat’s blog a couple of weeks ago. It was hard to choose just one. I did. Here’s my take on trust:

1.) Explore.
2.) Release.
3.) Trust.
4.) Acceptance.
5.) Creativity.

Most people don’t know that when listening to a song, I choreograph the whole performance in my head. If I’m in my car alone, you can believe I’m doing the routine as I drive.

There’s a lot that people just don’t know about me. Sometimes I think if I just unleashed myself on the world – fully and totally, what would happen? If I released every thing in my head, be it books, songs, blogs, dancing…all of it. Would it change everything? Is there a bunch of creativity in me that I’m just sitting on? I think about these things.

I’m trying to go through my brain and find those things that I will regret if I don’t do them. You know when I’m older and maybe simply not able to do it all, what will I wish I’d done? Yeah, it’s time to do those things – NOW!

via kahoodol.co.uk

I finally realized that I can’t go through life like a dress rehearsal. Nope. I just get one shot at this thing. No more fear, only faith. Now.

It’s time to trust myself with all that’s been entrusted to me. Even if it makes my stomach do flips. ESPECIALLY if it makes my stomach do flips.

Am I the only one that feels this way? This post caught me off guard and I’m the one who WROTE it! Guess I needed to encourage myself.


7 Comments on Learning to Trust Me

  1. Great post I use to be so open with my life but then something happened to make me clam up and retreat. I am so afraid to do it again because I think the same thing might happen but you must step out on faith and put fear aside.
    Kita recently posted…Pinterest link upMy Profile

  2. I’ve actually just begun to do this in the past couple of years and it has changed my life dramatically. I was holding back with everything I wanted to do because I was afraid of what people might say or how they might react…no I do things for me. You are right, we only have one shot at this thing, and when its my time I want folks to say she went after her dreams and accomplished them!
    Nellie recently posted…Weekly Wednesday Workout: Plank VariationsMy Profile

  3. so should we start working on our routines? I do that too! lol.

    Its true, we only have this one life. I say make the most of it
    Krissy recently posted…#messageMy Profile

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