Several years ago my parents were visiting. We were walking on the beach and I was sharing with my mom where I saw things going in my life and the life of my family. I’ve always had big dreams. This day was no different. I was talking about where I saw my career going. I had thoughts of starting a business. We also talked about the type of home I’d hoped to work my way up to. I pointed out some of he beautiful homes that we were walking by on the beach. There were a couple of them that my husband and I always stopped to admire.
My mom thought that I was doing great right where I was and that I should be happy with that. She was right. My life was already more than I could have imagined. I was still working in network television at the time. That in itself was an out of this world opportunity for me. It was a goal I set for myself realized. I was also a married mom living in Los Angeles. None of those things were on my radar before. Not that I didn’t want it, I just hadn’t visualized any of it for myself as a kid. You know how some people know what their wedding dress will look like, how many kids they’ll have and where they’ll raise their family? Yeah, I wasn’t that girl.
I assured my mom that I was completely happy with where my life was at the moment. However I didn’t see an issue with creating a plan to level up. At that moment we passed a beach house and I stopped in my tracks and pointed it out to my mom. The house had a painting on the porch that said “it costs nothing to dream and everything not to”. I’ve never forgotten that moment or that sign. We saw it at the perfect moment. It explained so clearly everything I was trying to say to my mom.
Related: W.O.W. Challenge
She’s always supported me in all that I’ve done and been the biggest cheerleader of my dreams. I mean, she did give her full support to her then unemployed by choice, 20-something daughter packing up and moving across country, chasing a dream. As we walked along the beach that day, I know she just wanted me to operate from a place of gratitude. While I was and remain grateful for the blessings in my life. I have learned that once I achieve a dream, it’s time to dream up something new.
Think about it. Just because your kid tries out and makes the baseball team, that doesn’t mean you now want him to give up and be a bench warmer. It’s like, no kid, now is the time to show us what you’ve got. Go further, run faster, hit harder! Level up! I want to see just how much further I can go. When I set out to do something that scares the crap out of me and I make it happen, it builds a confidence in me to see what else I can do. It takes away some of the hesitation that comes with fear. When I look back and see what else I did when I was terrified, I’m reminded that I can do hard things. I can do scary things. I can reach higher and dream bigger. How’s that for motivation?
What was the last goal or dream you crushed? What are you going to do to #levelup for that next dream?

So true and very motivating. There’s so much excitement in reaching for more and improving.
It’s all about growth, right?
Great reminder! I’m a big believer in continuous improvement and CONSTANT iteration – it’s not just for software! Those guiding principles absolutely apply to personal development, too. 🙂
That’s good! I like that.