There are some goals I’ve been setting around here. That’s nothing new. I’m the queen of having a goal. I always feel the need to have something to work toward. One of my goals had been working on staying committed to my fitness. I had fallen off in a big way since having kids. Getting back on track was slow going!
I remember talking to my girlfriends some time back and we all agreed that we could be doing more. Whether it’s the things we eat or working out – more could have been getting done. It was good to know that I wasn’t alone on that fitness slump.
I started making a plan to get myself back together. It’s been a few years now and I’m happy to say that I’ve stepped my game ALL the way up. It definitely took some time. I have to admit the pandemic was a HUGE part of me going hard in my health changes. I carved out some time in my day to work out 6 times a week. It’s a lot. It’s become my new normal though. I used to commit to 4 days a week and never thought I’d commit to six, but here we are.
The goal here isn’t for me to hit a certain weight or size. That was never my goal with working out. I do it because it is good for me. I can’t deny that it’s a feel-good boost as well. I feel and look stronger and my mood is much better after a good sweat sesh. Working out in the morning sets the tone for my day too. Once I’ve sweat it all out, it’s a little tough for me to justify a glazed donut. I feel like I worked too hard to give in to that and try to opt for a healthier choice instead. It doesn’t always work (no one is perfect) but the thing is, working out keeps my goal of a healthier lifestyle at the forefront of my thoughts. That’s a great thing.
Your life doesn’t get better by chance it gets better by change.
Exercising has become as much a part of my day as eating breakfast. My goals now are to push myself with what I do. I am eager to see what else my body can do. So that means I lift heavier weights or try a new type of class. I set a challenge for myself to try a new thing every month, for a whole month. Essentially this means I’m trying to form a new habit – every month? They say it takes at least 21 days for a new habit to stick.
Whenever we start something new and attempt to make it a part of our new normal it takes work. We all have busy lives and trying to change things up often means trying to squeeze something else into an already full schedule. One thing that’s been working for me is leaving my workout clothes out at night so they are the first things I see in the morning. I also have my classes planned up to two days in advance. Not having to think about what I’m going to do, makes it easy to just show up and go!
Fitness Life Hacks
No matter what new habits we start, we can all use a little support to stick to them. Here are a few ideas to keep the ball rolling once you get started.
Whatever it is you plan to tackle, start with your least favorite part of it first. Getting the least pleasant part of it out of the way, makes the rest of it easier.
Break things down into manageable chunks. No need to tackle the whole enchilada. If you’re looking to get fit, just move. Don’t set a number goal. You’ll only feel like you’re not making progress if you don’t see that number when you think you should.
Get a buddy! Let someone know you’re trying to start something new. They’ll check in with you and hopefully motivate you and keep you accountable.
Give yourself grace! If you fall off here and there, don’t beat yourself up. Just re-commit and move forward.
Use your words for good. Don’t say what you can’t do. Don’t allow yourself to talk yourself out of what you’ve started. You can do it!
Are you starting anything new? Tell me about it. Or let me know how you stick to a new habit.