Screech! Things get overwhelming every now and then, and you know it’s time to hit the brakes. Life does its thing and everything runs together and overflows. That’s when you have to re-assess what’s going on and see what needs to change. Sometimes it’s a big change that needs to happen. Other times, it’s just a tiny tweak that gets you back where you need to be.

Life Hacks
- Clean out your inbox
It took me a while to master this. At one point, I had over 100k emails. I had to unsubscribe from lots of emails to stop the piling up of so many emails. There are about 9 inboxes that I keep under control. I finally got them down to 4000 total. Yay me! lol
- Leave Facebook groups
I join Facebook groups for business reasons as well as personal. There are some though that I was in as part of a class that’s over or something else that was temporary. I decided to look through the groups and realized many of them weren’t active anymore. Um, why am I here? That led to me leaving so many groups. There were other groups that I just wasn’t interested in anymore. I have left so many Facebook groups lately. I had to. There were far too many and I couldn’t possibly be active in them. It was just stressing me out. So, I had to go. My timeline thanks me!
- Think about what you want more of and then make a plan to get it.
There’s something really empowering about not only knowing what you want but also putting it in writing. The simple act of writing it down makes it real and doable. Also, we all know how good it feels to cross things off a list.
- Release – go through your closet, and home and get rid of stuff.
This is always a great practice. I find all the stuff that I haven’t worn in forever. There are things I’ve been holding on to for no real reason. I believe clearing that space also clears the way for other things to come in my life. I feel like it makes room for my dreams to grow.
- Make a list of your values and take note of the areas in your life that don’t align with those values.
You know the saying about when writing the story of your life make sure you’re the one holding the pen? You are absolutely allowed to add and subtract when it comes to people and things that are using you as an emotional dump. Know what you value in life and relationships and respond accordingly. Clearing space isn’t only for items. That also includes people.
- Rearrange your space.
There’s something about changing up a room or rooms in your house. It can change the whole feel of your house. Sometimes that’s just what you need to feel like that reset. A change in perspective can be as simple as changing your space. Changing how you see things can change your total outlook and how you see things.

Hi Camesha! Your life hacks for hitting the reset button are practical and refreshing. Clearing clutter, reassessing priorities, and rearranging spaces are transformative steps toward finding balance and peace. Thank you for sharing these insightful tips!