Every year there’s a debate about resolutions. Do we make them or not? Do we instead choose a word for the year? Or do we let the year roll out as it does and go with the flow? Well, I have done all of the above at some point. I find that resolutions aren’t really my thing. Choosing a word and coming back to it throughout the year worked for me to keep me focused. I have to say the thing that works best for me is creating a vision board. It’s pretty much a visual manifesting board. I enjoy the whole process of going through all of my magazines, (I have WAY too many) and finding words and pictures that resonate with me and what I want. That’s been the one new year tradition that I’ve stayed with most.

Let’s Talk Manifesting
Essentially a vision board is all about manifesting. We add things to the board that we want to see show up in our lives. Mine is usually filled with things about fitness, traveling, and work. It’s a combination of goals for my family and myself. Because this board lives in my office/workout space, I see it all the time. I am constantly reminded about what I want and that I need to do the work to make those things happen. I have to say – it’s been working for me.
As I put together the things I want out of this year, I realized so much of what I am after revolves around self-care. Surprised? I thought I’d share some things that we should all keep at the forefront because sharing is caring. And self-care is a must 365 days a year. Let’s cultivate a year that makes self-care a priority and watch how we show up for ourselves.

Main Character = YOU
No more fading into the background and being one with the wall. Our time as a wallflower ends today. Step fully into your “main character” energy. If anyone holds that spot in your life, it should be you.
In order to make that main character vibe a reality we need to establish some healthy boundaries. Let’s start with saying “no” when we need to. If you don’t have time, if you don’t want to, if it makes you uncomfortable – make it known. Also, taking time to do absolutely nothing and not feeling guilty about it is vital. Knowing your value has nothing to do with how productive you are. Not being made to think otherwise is essential.
Release the stress
Over the last few years, we’ve all gotten used to constant stress. It’s been necessary, but that doesn’t mean it’s healthy. This year, manifest less stress in your life and find healthy ways to deal with the stress that will inevitably come. That could look like exercising, meditation, or therapy. Do what you need to do to relax and release.
Sometimes I don’t know that we talk enough about the importance of sleep. Good sleep is so good for us! It helps with eating habits, weight management, and overall a better mood. At night, my body starts to shut down at about 9:30. I’m probably asleep somewhere around 10. My body naturally wakes up at about 6:30. I make sure I take care of everything I need to during the day. Any work that needs my attention I try to get done before I lay it down.
Lessons from my kids
You know one thing I’ve learned from my kids is the importance of being creative. They sketch, paint, and create with clay and resin. Granted, they have more time than I do to pursue these things. Making time to do some creative things is on my radar. I know how to knit but haven’t done it in forever. I have a candle-making kit and just haven’t dove in yet. I’m planning to change that this year.
Another thing I’ve learned from my kids is to go after the things that excite you. My daughter loves soccer and plays on a competitive team. She’s committed and does the work on her own time to get better. She wants to be a soccer player and she’s majorly focused on that goal. My son was pushed by his fear and tried out for a baseball team even though he hadn’t played in a few years. It’s something he’s wanted to do for a while though, so he’s moving forward. Their determination has certainly encouraged me to have the courage to pursue my own dreams. I’m definitely manifesting that courage this year.
What’s your new year looking like? Are you a resolution or word of the year person?

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