If I told you Happy New Year, would you look at me strangely? As quickly as this year is flying by, I know it’s not January yet. Side note: can you believe soon we’ll be saying 2020 was two years ago. Mind blown. Ok, back to my original thought. It feels like a new year for me every September. It doesn’t hurt that it’s my birth month, so technically a new year. The other thing that gives the month its newness is because it’s in the thick of back to school time. Buying all those school supplies and getting new backpacks, clothes and lunch boxes for the kids has “new year” written all over it. There’s also the change of seasons when we start seeing the first hints of Fall.

As they embark on the new adventure of starting a new grade, meeting new people and setting new goals I feel naturally end up in that head space too. Because of that, I tend to look at September as the time to do new things, start new projects and seek new adventures. I start to make lists of things I want to do, change, goals I want to accomplish. In January, we’d call those resolutions, huh? I’m looking at different areas of my life where I’d like to see growth and change and figuring out how I’ll make that happen. Once I’m all squared away on what those things will be, it’s time to enlist an accountability partner.
A Few Ideas
Do you feel like hitting the refresh button, too? We can roll together on making this our new year. I’ll share some ideas to take with you as we restart and refresh, you ready? I mentioned earlier that I’ll be making a list one thing I’ll do is include something new I want to try. Whether it’s a new exercise class or a new idea that’s spent too much time in my head – it’s going on the list. Doing something new is always exciting even if I’m a little nervous. It’s never not worth it. Of course, falling flat on my face is a risk. So of course my next piece of advice is to not let the fear of failure stop you. Failure is as much as a possibility as success.
Another thing to consider is connecting with new people. That might be just the new friend you needed who happens to be full of fresh perspective. Don’t try to be perfect. Perfection is a whole myth and it’s really just another word for procrastination. Focus on progress. That’s where you’ll really see your growth. Don’t worry about the end goal. If it takes you long to get there you’ll easily lose sight of the progress you’ve made along the way. Those small steps count, too. Don’t overlook them. Sooo, Happy New Year?!