Show me your checkbook and I’ll tell you what your priorities are. I think I heard my old pastor say that back in the day. My check book will tell you that my kids get all the love and that we love to eat!

You know what else spills the beans about my priorities? My Instagram feed it’s filled with pictures of books and talk of my workouts. I’m really passionate about both. My love for them is similar. Whether it’s reading or working out, I always want to do more. I feel bad if I miss a day of doing either. I also feel like both only make me better.
New Series
Because I love them so much, I decided to start a new series called Reps and Reads. I’ll talk about what I’m currently reading and what I’m up to exercise wise. Every month I try something different with my workouts and I’ll share that here. Maybe you’re stuck in a workout rut and could use some inspo to get your mojo running again. Or you could have fallen into a reading slump and need a new book suggestion to get you started again. In either case, I got you!
I read a lot and last year I started listing my reads. Currently, I’m reading In the Name of Gucci by Patricia Gucci. I read so much that’s pretty heavy and thought this might be a good and interesting switch up. It’s about the secret love story of the head of Gucci. He fell for a MUCH younger woman while he was married with a whole family and pursued it anyway.
The book also takes you into the background of the famous brand and how it came to be. It’s written by the daughter born from the secret affair. I’ll let you know how it goes. I just finished The Water Dancer by Ta nehisi Coates. It took me a bit to get into bit once I did I. could. not. put. it. down. It’s a bit of historical fiction based on some real stories in the time of enslavement. It’s quite a journey!

As for exercise, this month I’m focused on weight training. I’m doing a weight training program through Peloton and it’s everything! I had been wanting to start lifting and this program is the perfect intro to get me going. It’s a 4 week program and I’m in the last week. I’m considering doing it again with heavier weights. We’ll see. I do already have my sights set on a new one month challenge though. I’ll share it soon.

Is there a book you’d recommend I add to my list? Or some workout suggestions? Let me know.

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