Spring break just wrapped up around here. I finally feel like I’m getting back into the swing of the everyday routine. That full week of letting the kids stay up late and waking up in time for brunch was perfection. It was a great way to hit the reset button with the kids as we get ready to wrap up the school year. Hey Summer, we’ve got our eyes on you!

When it comes to Spring break, I think my husband and I get as excited as the kids about the break. We start coming up with vacation ideas for a nice getaway. A few years ago we had the best staycation. So many people come to L.A. for a vacation so we decided to take advantage of living there and did all the things. It was a true tourist in your town type of week.
For this year though, we went to Las Vegas. I know Las Vegas with kids can seem crazy. We took the kids there 3 years ago for Spring break and did all the kid friendly stuff. A great time was had by all. We decided to roll the dice and try it again this time. We figured we’d hit some of the same spots from before. Circus Circus was a hit because of the mini amusement park in the hotel. They liked the volcano show in from of the MGM and the water show outside of Caesar’s Palace too. My son loves Greek and Egyptian mythology. He’s 9 years old and while we were in Caesar’s Palace he told us all the things about every statue there. It was so awesome to hear him go on an on about all he’s read as he walked from painting to statue.

We also checked out the garden at the Bellagio and of course we ate all the things!

I managed to squeeze in one workout before I just gave up on trying to squeeze it in that week. I’ve spent this week trying to make up for lost time!
From the moment we got there the kids were bugging us about getting in the pool so that was a priority! They LOVE the water.

Before we left, we caught a variety show that we all loved. When we left my son said “thank your for bringing us here, it was amazing!” I was so happy that we found a show that had us all cracking up and entertained.
Spring Break |Grand Canyon
Once we left Vegas, we headed straight to Arizona. We had decided that the Grand Canyon was going to be a part of this Spring break trip. That was an amazing experience. Before you get there, you know it’s massive but in person – WHOA! We signed up to take a shuttle bus that drops you off at three different points of the Canyon.

At one point there was a skywalk. It’s this huge platform made of glass. You walk out on it and you are 4000 feet in the air looking down into the Canyon! It is not for the faint of heart! They give you little slippers to put on so that you don’t damage the glass with your shoes. It was definitely an experience!

Not long before our trip we’d heard about yet another person who had died trying to take a picture there. So we were gripping our kids even tighter. The thing is, it seemed like we were the only parents who were so cautious. There were so many kids there getting way too close to the edge. It was scary. There were parents who had their kids sit on rocks near the edge to get a picture. I made a comment to my husband that they were doing too much for me. An older man heard me and said, “I’m with you.” He was visibly disturbed by the situation.
Caution at the Canyon
There was another situation were this little one year old was running around freely. He ran by us and I stooped down to get his attention because we were at the part that gets narrow on both sides and I was not about to stand by and watch this baby tumble over the edge. His parents finally walked up. The mom was carrying another baby and she and the dad were just strolling. When we left there I was casually looking at my phone and saw a story had been posted about a man who had fallen over the edge and died one hour before. Crazy! We were on the opposite side of the Canyon and hadn’t heard anything about it. I’ll just say nature is no joke and the Grand Canyon is not an amusement park.
We left there and spent the night at a lodge on a Native American reservation which prompted us to learn a bit more about the Hualapai tribe that lives there. The small tribe has a fascinating history. I’m glad that became a part of our trip.
What did your Spring break look like? Have you been to the Grand Canyon? Ever done Vegas with kids?