What’s your number one goal right now? What’s the thing that you just have to get done? It could be anything really. Smaller goals are the ones we like. They’re easier to check off the list. It’s those bigger ones that give us problems. The big goals intimidate us, they scare us and they seem straight up overwhelming. Those are the goals that stay on the list for way too long. I have a few of those myself. My big one is my second book.
I have been working on it off and on for way too long now. It’s easy to find reasons to put it off. There are so many other things to do. I have to write a post. I need to finish something for a client. I need to work on something with the kids. These things are all important. How important is my book though? I hadn’t been making it a priority at all. I’d peek at it now and then. Add somethings and then get overwhelmed by it all. That’s when I’d move on to other things. I’d justify it because the other things needed to be done to. Do you do this with any of your dreams/goals? Do you find a way to move it further down the list because, honestly, it intimidates you?
Well, today I’m putting on my big girl pants and pulling out the planner to write down time for my book. I need to at the very least have it on the schedule. I’ve learned that for me, writing it down makes it real. If it’s not on my list in ink, I have a hard time getting it all done. I’m going to be intentional about making time for my book because it’s a dream of mine. Dreams deserve room to come true. Setting the intention to do it is one thing. Keeping myself motivated along the way is the next step. If you’re stepping out there with your dreams in your hands, here’s a few quotes to take with you to keep you motivated and remind yourself that you can do this.
If you were able to believe in Santa Claus for 7 years, you can believe in yourself for 5 minutes.
The first time I read that quote, I literally went “duh”. It’s such a simple idea but it’s true. We believed in things and ourselves as kids because no one had told us otherwise.
Know that you’re worth it.
Worthiness is another issue that comes up for us as moms. We pour so much into our families and we forget that we’re worthy of the same things we give to them. We tell our kids they can be whatever they want and to never stop dreaming. Pssst… the same goes for you.
The fire within me burns through all blocks and fears. -Ashley Turner
I was meditating last week and this was the affirmation repeated over and over. It’s a powerful image of the dreams and desires burning IN us and burning THROUGH our fears.
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.
There will be other people doing more than you. There will be people who are further along than you. The goal is to focus on you and and being the best version of YOU.
What big goal is on your list? What would keep you motivated to see it through?

This is a fantastic article! So many times, we don’t go after our biggest dreams because we’re afraid we’ll fail.
I adore this post. The first step to accomplishing that huge goal you’re shying away from is deciding that you’re going to do it no matter what.
This is a great post and I love the Santa Claus quote. If we believe in ourselves we can accomplish anything.
This is a great article. We are often our biggest obstacle.
OMG This is so true- I always say tomorrow! I needed this to give me a swift kick in the rear! Thanks and go get that book done
Thank you! I’m on it. Outline is done. 🙂
I so needed to read this today and I’m fussing around with little tiny baby goals in order to not have to deal with the big life altering choices I’m facing. Shared!
We all do it! The easy ones are instant gratification.
I think I would have struggles starting a new book as well. I am sure once you start, it wlil just flow from there.
Thank you! Here’s hoping the words just flow…
That Santa Clause quote is just fabulous! I have never thought of believing in oneself but it is so true! If you can believe in the imaginary then I can believe in the real me 😀
That Santa Clause quote stuck with me too!
I love the quote about flowers not comparing themselves to the flowers next to them. That is so true.
You are right. It’s so easy to keep pushing off our goals because we are scared. I have a bunch of little ones and always find an excuse not to push forward. I need to kick myself into gear and write it all out and set a plan in motion too.
Writing it out makes it real. That and public accountability. If I really need a kick, I announce whatever it is I’m planning to do on Facebook. Accountability.
This is exactly what I needed to read today! I have been putting off creating an online course for way too long and you know what… enough! And you are right…it starts with setting the intention to getting it done. Ugh enough with the..soon I will do it.
Good luck with the course!
I need accountability with my goals, so making a concrete plan is really critical. I appreciate seeing the plan laid out. Now time to dream big!
This is really helpful. Finding motivation for big tasks can be super difficult for me. I have to actively keep myself in check.
This is a great post! So many times I forget that I’m working toward my biggest goals because the little ones keep popping up first, and they are much easier to complete.
The little ones become the distractions from the big kahuna!
This post is such a great eye opener. There are times that I am fearful of grabbing an opportunity because I feel I am not competent enough. Only to find out it is not about competencies, it is all about confidence in your abilities. Thanks for this post. I’m sharing this with friends, family and co-workers.
Thank you. You’re right. There’s something to be said about confidence. It will at least get your foot in the door.
At the beginning of the year I chose an inspiring word. Guess what? It’s gone in the midst of memory – in fact, I can’t remember what the word was. The first thing I need to do is unbury that word, and remember why I chose it in the first place. I don’t believe in myself enough.
I know the feeling. I’ve done that too. The words end up being like resolutions. By March, we’ve forgotten all about them. Sometimes it’s easier to set a goal and set the milestone you’d like to reach (every month/quarter) toward that goal. When I’m having a hard time believing in myself I remember this quote “What if I fall? Oh but my darling, what if you fly?” I love it so much, I have it printed on a pillow. 🙂
This was really needed today especially! I’m often too scared to go after anything big, or that I think I should because it can be scary!
As a mom of 7 kids, I’m convinced you can do anything. You are nothing short of awesome.
My scariest goal right now is losing weight. I don’t know why, but it is!
You can do it. Baby steps. Even the smallest steps count as progress.
This is a fantastic article. You are right with the focus on just being the best version of yourself – not to keep comparing to others, and so forth.
Its about affirming yourself! People need to take a goal and just affirm and not discredit themselves before they can get to their goal.
You have some great quotes listed in this article and how true they are! Sometimes the hardest step to take is the first one and to just believe you can do it. Thanks for sharing some inspiration!
You’re so welcome. The one about Santa really stuck with me.
You know what really hit me from this? That you pulled out your planner and scheduled time to work on it. So simple, but such great advice! A lot of my goals get pushed back simply because life happens and stuff comes up. Before I know it, time has passed and I haven’t worked on my goals! Like anything other kind of appointment, it needs to be scheduled and planned for!
One thing that’s helped me in my goals is keeping a “Big Goals” journal. On each page I write the goal at the top. Then I write down *each and every* little step I take towards it. That could even be putting it in my planner like you said! It helps so much to break down the goal into smaller pieces and celebrate every little win.
Great post, and I love your site!
Thank you! I appreciate your comment. I do that too. It feels good to write down all the tiny steps and check them off. It helps to see how far you’re going toward your big goal.
This is a great article. I enjoyed reading this so much and a good information.
We can really be our own worst critics and doubt ourselves. That can make any goal seem scary. But we can conquer even the scariest goal.
You’re so right, it IS easy to put off goals especially when they feel too hard. My current goal is to finish setting up my career the way I would like it.
Bigger goals are more intimidating indeed. It’s definitely true and it takes more effort for us to push ourselves to try to achieve it. I love that you posted quotes for motivation as well.