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My First Born Has Four Legs


Before we made the full leap to parenthood, my husband and I decided to take on a child of a different breed… literally. Our first “child” was our miniature poodle, Lola! We got her at 8 weeks old and boy, oh boy, was she training for the real thing! Don’t get me wrong, there are definite differences between a […] Read more…

What’s on the menu


After sitting down to talk to other mommies I noticed that we all have a common dilemma when it comes to our babies. What to feed them! Who knew that these miniature people could be so hard to feed sometimes? It’s the combination of holding off on certain things for allergies and choking hazard and […] Read more…

Baby Drama


I have been trying to avoid all of the drama surrounding Halle Berry right now. Unfortunately keeping up with it is part of the job. She and her baby’s father Gabriel Aubry seemingly overnight went from cordial co-parenting to custody in chaos. How the heck did they get here? If you listen to media it […] Read more…