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Time to Sit it Down


He told me to sit my butt down! These are the instructions I received from my doctor a few weeks ago. Apparently, baby girl was trying to make her way into this world much too soon. So, the solution was to take me out of work way before I planned to leave. Can’t do to […] Read more…

They Can’t Be “Real”


It’s my fault. I watched it. All three parts! Why on earth did I let myself watch the Real Housewives of Atlanta reunion??? Why didn’t you stop me? All.Three.Parts. I’m convinced I’ve lowered my IQ just by watching the foolishness. They went so far as to argue over tweets, people!!! Who tweeted what and who […] Read more…

Did He Try to Kill Me?


It’s not something I’m proud of but, that doesn’t make it any less true. I can’t swim. It shocks people to know this about me. I guess I just hang out with a bunch of swimmers! I have a really good reason why I can’t swim. At least, I think it’s a good reason. It […] Read more…

Yeah, I Said it


I know it’s the holiday season. It’s the most wonderful time of the year, the season of giving and all that jazz. Well , I have a confession to make. I have made no secret of the fact that I’ve got next to no Christmas shopping done. For shame, I know!! Christmas is barely two […] Read more…

How Many is Too Many?


The Duggar family is one for the ages. I’m sure you’ve heard of them by now but if you haven’t allow me to introduce them. They are the family featured on the TLC show 19 and counting. This husband and wife duo, Jim Bob and Michelle, are the parents of 19 yes NINETEEN children. They […] Read more…