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Comfort Zones Are The Devil


OK, so calling comfort zones the devil could be a bit ahem, strong. Maybe. Comfort is a good thing. We all want it. Whether it’s your shoes, your jeans, your bed, your finances we all seek some sort of comfort. I remember moving to L.A. and having to start all over with my career. I […] Read more…

A labor of LOVE + I named her Get it, Mama!


What’s the biggest change that happens after becoming a mama? I don’t know that I could pick just one. There’s the whole thing with exhaustion. That’s real! I remember wondering if I would EVER get sleep again. With my first child, I remember feeling like people forgot about me. Everybody wanted to talk to me […] Read more…

Yes, You Can Have…


At some point along this ride we have to start saying yes to the things we want. It’s even bigger than that though. There’s this thing we have to get past. It’s called permission. I have found that there were some things I wasn’t getting out of life because I wouldn’t give myself permission to […] Read more…

You only THINK you can’t


What is it you think you CAN’T do? Is there some idea, some nagging thoughts you’ve been talking yourself out of? That thing that keeps coming back and keeps being put off… yeah, you should probably do something about that. We all have our reasons for why we can’t do whatever it is we really […] Read more…

Fall Madly in love with YOU


How much do you love you? Is it off the charts love? Whatever the case, we could all use a little more love – from ourselves! Here are my top four ways to fall so madly in love with YOU! Stop comparing yourself to others. You are fabulous just the way you are. There’s no […] Read more…

When there are NO excuses left.


As I’ve set out to make my dreams cone true, I’ve come across so many who hold on to doubt that their own dreams are even possible and worth pursuing. Here are my top 9 excuses for why we don’t follow our dreams. via I’m not _____ enough. Remember your words have power. If you […] Read more…