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Would you ever?


If a couple you knew wanted to have a baby would you help? If that couple had tried over and over again and had miscarried several times – would you think about being a surrogate? That’s the story in an article I read on Mom Finds. That article got me thinking. I hadn’t really given […] Read more…

Almost Toddlers & Tiaras


*This was written as part of Mama Kat’s writer’s workshop. Have you ever been jilted or just plain mistreated? Yeah, I know, we’ve all been there. The one time that I’m thinking about today happened when I was in high school. I think I was no more than a sophomore when a friend asked me […] Read more…

All Growed Up?


*This is the second piece in a series. Check out the first post here! After finishing high school, I left Detroit and  moved to Ohio to attend college. It was rough those first several days. The moment my mother turned to leave I cried – HARD! Remember, my mom and I are thisclose. It was […] Read more…

R.I.P Caylee


I’ve said nothing. I avoided the topic completely. I turned my head or the channel whenever it came on TV. The Casey Anthony trial is impossible to avoid now. I don’t know if I wanted to pretend it didn’t exist. I don’t think that’s it. I think I just knew that I couldn’t handle knowing […] Read more…

Breakin the Law


4.) We’re too old to be getting in trouble…aren’t we? Write about a time you were scolded…as an adult. I usually don’t have a problem with the law. Usually. I am a law-abiding citizen and dread getting in “trouble” with the authorities. Well, it happened. The peeps with the power decided to take out some […] Read more…

Save That Baby!


While at work the other day I was minding my own beeswax – writing a script. I was completely in writing mode and focused. Then I heard something pretty abnormal for my workplace. A child was crying. Immediately, my focus was broken. There is something about the sound of a child these days that stops […] Read more…

A Case of the Waterworks


Since the big push aka giving birth I think my emotions are out of control. I cry all the time for just about any reason. I cried when I saw Steve Irwin’s family on Oprah. I looked at those kids and the looks on their faces and their mom’s face as Oprah talked about the […] Read more…