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Guest Post: Work/ Life: Seeking Balance


When Things Change


While talking to one of my friends at work, she mentioned a change in her relationship with her bestie. My friend is single, with no kids. Her bestie is a married mommy. *cue the drama* There are usually some changes when one friend has a life change like marriage and babies. Things certainly changed for […] Read more…

Summer, I Miss You


I’m linking up this week with Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop. The prompt I chose: Remember Summer? The warm air, blue skies, and endless days in the water? Me either. Share a photo from last Summer that brings you back. This summer, I’m looking forward to more days at the beach. More backyard grilling and more […] Read more…

Monday Mingle : Bump Style


Strange as it seems, I like eating ice cream and cookies at ten o’clock at night. All of a sudden, I really just want a glass of milk and I don’t even like milk. My sense of smell has really picked up too. It’s other-worldly at this point. It seems I have a little visitor […] Read more…

Mega Blok® Blok Squad Review


When I was approached about checking out Mega Bloks, I was intrigued. Our son is a fan of Lego building blocks so I had no doubt that he’d love these as well. He was very excited the moment he saw the box. I opted for the Mega Blok® Blok Squad Police Force set as my […] Read more…

Stranger Danger


This post was originally published on Beautiful Brown Girls My friend and I had this discussion not too long ago… She was telling me about her gym and how awesome it is. She thought I’d really like it and should check it out. I wasn’t sure I could join because I’d have to go after […] Read more…

One and Done?


There’s an argument going on these days about how many kids to have. Some say the more the merrier. Others say one and done! What you decide to do is obviously up to you. For me, I think that having two kids is ideal – that’s just for me. As an only child, I thought […] Read more…