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Ghost of Halloween Past


Halloween used to be a big deal when I was growing up. In the beginning, my cousins and I would get the standard costumes that came with the plastic face mask. You know the ones where your hot breath would be trapped and you’d end up inhaling steam? Wait, you didn’t have those? Oh, well […] Read more…

No Buts About It


For me, motherhood came with a lot of questions. What is labor really like? How does breastfeeding work? How am I supposed to function with no sleep? I’ve learned along the way that some things you just have to figure out for yourself. Everybody is different and so are their experiences. That being said, I’ve […] Read more…

Just a Thought


Before I had my son, I had all these grand ideas of the things I was going to do to be the perfect mommy. I was going to keep a mommy journal of all of the changes that come with being his mother. I was going to keep up with his baby book and have […] Read more…

I’m Wearing Kanye


Kanye West is known for many things. His most popular attribute seems to be his ego. Then comes his music. Behind that, has to be fashion. He is obsessed with it. He partnered with Gap at one point, designed shoes for LouisVuitton and has been studying with Marc Jacobs for a while now. All this […] Read more…

Best Birthday Gift I Ever Got


My birthday was last Thursday. I hadn’t planned anything to celebrate and every time my husband asked me what I wanted to do my answer was the same. Nothing. There was nothing I could think of, outside of a vacation, that I really wanted to do. I had been talking for months about getting a […] Read more…

While I Wasn’t Looking…


I really can’t complain. Not even a little bit. I’m sure I could find something to gripe about – but I won’t. Not on this day. The day of my birth. Today, I will zoom in on all the good things in my life. I try to do that everyday but today is different. It’s […] Read more…

I Was Nearly Naked


I have expressed my love for Groupon type sites in the past. I can’t seem to pass up a good deal. So far they’ve been working out pretty well for me. I’ve enjoyed going places and discovering things in L.A that I’d never heard of. Last week I was rushing to use a deal before […] Read more…

Writing my heart out…


When I started this blog, it was basically an outlet to talk about the changes I experience in the awesome role of mother. Another reason for Bibs & Baubles was for me to have more opportunities to exercise my writing muscle. Yes, I write for a living but that’s different. It have to write things […] Read more…

Hi, My Name Is…


Hi, my name is mostly Cam or Cammie. I have been blogging here at Bibs & Baubles for close to a year now. In all of that time, I don’t know that I’ve really introduced myself to you. I thought today would be as good a day as any to tell you some things about […] Read more…