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Meet the Bruiser


We have started calling our son the bruiser. He’s so wild sometimes and if you happen to get in the way – you will get hurt. I’ve been on the receiving end of many of his wild antics. Many are just because he’s so darn excited! When he gets excited, he’ll start stomping his foot […] Read more…

Lessons Learned… So Far


Motherhood is a classroom and my teacher is about three feet tall and overflowing with lessons. I never knew I’d love so much or learn so much from someone who has seen so little. I couldn’t have imagined the ways my son has changed me. Here are a few things I’ve learned from my little […] Read more…

InspiHer BlogHer


It was the first time I have been away from my son since his arrival 20 months ago – so I had high expectations from Blogher 11. When it comes to my thoughts on the mega-conference – I have two words for you: Flash Mob! If there was any doubt that BlogHer was going to […] Read more…

R.I.P Social Media


Calm yourselves, Social media is still alive and kicking! A prompt from Mama Kat a couple of weeks ago got me thinking about what if. What if social media no longer existed? What would be my new hobby? Great question. I mean, social media is so widespread even grandmas are tweeting.So what would I do […] Read more…

“Move it” Monday


It’s Monday and I need a little something to get my day going and get my week started on a good note. Since Bibs & Baubles represents the many sides of me – it makes sense that my love of music would work it’s way in here. I’ve loved this song for a long time. […] Read more…