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Rookie Parenting


As parents, there are some things that are a given: Don’t let your kids touch the stove. Don’t let your kids eat the dogs food. Don’t let the baby miss a nap. These are all pretty common knowledge. Well, we’ve had to add a new one to our list. This weekend we made a rookie […] Read more…

When You Say Labor…


Labor Day means many things to many people. It was initially to celebrate the accomplishments of the American worker. Who, I ask you, works harder than moms? *cricket, cricket* Ok, maybe some dads really work it out too. 🙂  Even still, the Labor Pains are all ours! So this Labor Day,  I just want to […] Read more…

Feed the Baby!


It’s a common topic among mommy peeps. The baby weight! I think that’s the most common thing I hear about when people talk about pregnancy and being a mommy. People want their pre-baby body back. I admit, I am one of them. I thankfully lost all the extra weight I had gained but I think […] Read more…

Lessons Learned… So Far


Motherhood is a classroom and my teacher is about three feet tall and overflowing with lessons. I never knew I’d love so much or learn so much from someone who has seen so little. I couldn’t have imagined the ways my son has changed me. Here are a few things I’ve learned from my little […] Read more…

Rockin the baby


Shell over at Things I Can’t Say did a cool link up called Rockin the Bump a while back.I can sometimes be the queen of procrastination. It’s true. Having said that, I didn’t get a chance to play along when everyone was rockin the bump. Just kept putting it off and doing other stuff and […] Read more…